What in the world is going on?
It feels like the world itself is tilting on its axis. Moreover, I should say that if you look at a globe, it is already tilted somewhat. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Staring across the room, I all but taste the tension, the anger filling it. The anger I can tell is Lynch’s because he’s not hiding it. The tension is everyone else in the room.
I might not know Lynch very well, but what I do know is that I see him as a friend, maybe a brother figure, I don’t know. He’s been there for me, and I don’t like that he’s so mad.
Speed tenses further next to me as we all watch Lynch ball the papers up that Camilla shoved at him and take a step toward the woman. She takes a step back. I have to admit Camilla is very pretty, and I can see what he’d have seen in her even if she’s scary, but only because she went up against Jazlene and won. I also know what these men will soon figure out. What she just did for me bought a target on her back.
No one goes up against Jazlene and wins. I’ve heard her brag plenty of times over the years. She’s Perrin’s lawyer for several reasons. One of them is that she likes to play the way he does. She works for him to be able to have access to the products he has coming and going. Jazlene likes to think she gets first pick, but that’s not true. It's more like leftovers, she just doesn’t know it.
Suddenly, Lynch reaches for Camilla, grips her waist, throws her over his shoulder, and stalks away, heading toward what I can only assume is his room.
“Well, that was interesting,” one of Speed’s brothers mutters.
“We need to have church, discuss what the hell just happened. I’m done with this fucker toying with us,” Chains snarls.
I can’t help but flinch at the harsh tone of his voice, nor can I stop thinking it’s all my fault. This whole thing. If I just went back to Perrin, it’d at least appease him for a bit. Maybe long enough for the club to take him out. Perrin won’t stop though, not until he has his way or gets what he wants. He’s all about deals and contracts. Once struck, he always keeps to it in order to get what he wants.
I wonder if I were to go to him if I could strike my own deal, demand he leave the others alone. If he agreed, he would honor it, wouldn’t he?
“Lily.” Speed grips my chin, forcing me to look at him. I meet his gaze, seeing his eyes assessing me, looking deep into mine. “Whatever you were just thinking, don’t even think about it.”
He couldn’t know what I was thinking, could he? I mean, it’s not like he’s a psychic or something.
“You don’t know what I was thinking,” I mutter, narrowing my eyes. When it comes to Speed, I feel myself being able to speak up, pretty much grow a backbone, if you will.
“Babycakes,” he utters, pulling me flush against his front. “I don’t have to know it to see it written all over your face. You get this look in your eyes, and you lose that sweet smile.”
My lips part as I stare at him in awe. This makes my belly feel all fluttery, and I love it all the more the fact he can see this in me. That doesn’t mean it also doesn’t scare me.
“Can we not talk about this?” I whisper.
“Yeah, Lily, we can stop talking about it.” Speed grins, dips his head, and brushes his lips against mine while whispering, “For now.
Oh my.
I draw in a breath, my head spinning with all of this.
I mean everything that just happened. It’s a lot so much so it frightens me. Seriously. First, Jazlene shows up and wants to take me back to Perrin. Using legal formalities to do so. Is it even possible she could try it? I mean, I don’t remember any of what she said ever being so. Then again, Perrin has enough money to make anything he wants happen. Secondly, I can’t believe what Camilla said. She had to keep me where I was and out of Perrin’s grasp. Marriage papers and a restraining order. How is all of this possible?
“What time you want to meet for church, Prez?” Breaker asks, his voice booming from behind me, making me jump.
“One hour,” Chains grunts and looks toward me. “This shit ain’t on you. Perrin was already coming after us. So whatever guilt you’re thinkin’ on, don’t. We’ll take care of this shit. You just help us out by sticking with us and not trying to take this on.”
“How did you . . .”
“Told you, babycakes, it’s written all over your face.” Speed chuckles. “You don’t have a poker face, that’s for sure.”
“Oh.” I drop my gaze to the floor, feeling a heat creeping over my face. Talk about embarrassing.
“We got an hour, so how about I get you some food,” Speed remarks, gripping my chin and forcing my face back up.
“Okay,” I whisper as my stomach growls. I don’t really know what time it is. I don’t even know how long Speed and I went at it before passing out or how long I slept. I guess I’m more than ready for something to eat.
Speed takes me to the kitchen and orders me to sit while he fixes breakfast. Glancing at the time on the microwave, it’s nearly nine in the morning. I suppose that answers my question as to whether or not it’s day or night.