Page 27 of Speed's Ride

“What’s going on?” I demand, a sense of alarm growing at the fury in both their eyes.

“We got company,” Breaker sneers. “Chains told me to come get you and Lily.”

“Who is it?” There’s no way I’m getting Lily up if it’s going to be something that upsets her.

“Just get Lily up and come out here,” Fuse mutters, shaking his head. “We don’t need more shit happenin’ than we already got.”

“Right,” I grunt, grinding my teeth. “Give me five, and we’ll be out.”

I don’t wait for a response. I close the door, let out a heavy breath, and make my way to the bed in order to wake my woman, only to find her already sitting up.

“What’s going on?” she asks.

“Don’t know, babycakes, but need you to get dressed for me. We’ve got company.” I walk the rest of the way toward her and help her from the bed, wanting to hold her in my arms. Tilting my head, I reach up and grab her chin as I lean in to kiss her lips. She opens, allowing me entrance, and I take the moment to deepen the kiss further, though I keep it brief. “Let’s get this done so we can get on with the rest of the day.”

“Okay.” She nods and steps out of my arms.

I turn toward the dresser, snag a shirt, yank it on, and find a pair of socks. By the time I have my boots on and pull on my cut, Lily’s dressed and placing her brush back on the nightstand.


“I suppose.” She shrugs.

Nodding, I take hold of her hand and guide her out of the room. I don’t have a good feeling about any of this, but I trust my brothers. They wouldn’t do anything that would put Lily at risk. They know what she means to me. They wouldn’t have sent her to me the way they did.

Before we get to the main room, I let Lily’s hand go and wrap my arm around her shoulders, holding her close. I want to be able to easily shield her with my body if need be.

“It’s about damn time,” a woman snaps the moment we step into the room.

“Can I help you?” I demand, feeling Lily shrink into herself and go tense.

“Brother, this is Jazlene Rasmussen,” Chains says, spitting out the name like it’s a bad taste in his mouth.

“She’s Perrin’s lawyer,” Lily whispers.

Now I get why my woman got so tense. Putting her behind me, I stare at the other woman with a look that’s telling. “The fuck you doing here?”

“I’ve come to collect Lily,” she announces, eyeing me up and down and holding up a folder. “These papers state that she is not mentally capable of taking care of herself and that she is a ward to my client.”

“You won’t be taking Lily anywhere,” I snarl, hearing the whimper of my woman behind me, which pisses me off all the more.

“Oh, I believe she will be,” Jazlene declares, “Now, come out here, Lily. Be good, and let’s be on the way.”

I open my mouth to say something, but another woman’s voice beats me to it.

“I think not, Rasmussen,” the woman snaps, coming through the threshold of the door, briefcase in hand, wearing a gray pencil skirt and black blouse that shows off a body that any man would appreciate. Something about her seems familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.

“What the hell are you doing here, Camilla?” Lynch snarls, taking a step forward.

Camilla glances in his direction for all of a split second before looking at Jazlene.

“You can’t stop this, Camilla,” Jazlene snaps.

“Go ahead and think that,” Camilla snaps right back, her features neutral. “My client, Lily, will not be going anywhere with you or anyone else. The documentation you’re holding is bullshit, and you damn well know it.”

“You would be mistaken.” Jazlene scoffs and holds out the folder. “Here, see for yourself.”

I watch closely as Camilla takes the folder in question, opens it, and scans over the document inside. My anger boils, and I wait impatiently to see what’s about to happen. I knew we had a law firm on retainer. Fuse’s cousin, Félix DeLancy, recommended the firm not long after the truce was made between them and the club.