Page 25 of Speed's Ride



Something isn’t right. Speed’s been gone a long time. Tyres and the others have been keeping a close eye on me.

I just don’t understand why.

Who was it at the gates? Speed mentioned getting rid of her, but who? Another woman? An ex?

The door opens, and for a split second, I perk up, thinking Speed is back, but it’s not him who comes through.

“Situation taken care of?” Chains asks gruffly.

“Yeah, Speed took off toward the gym, and we got her ass out of here,” Lynch says, eyes sliding to me and then back to Chains. “He’s not good.”

“Fuck,” Chains grunts and turns to me. “Speed claimed you as his, but do you claim him?”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“What he’s asking, Lily, is do you care about Speed?” Tiny murmurs softly, curling herself into Chains’s side.

I nod and slowly take a breath. “All of this is new to me,” I admit, “But I think what I feel for Speed is something important to me. Like . . . like I’m falling for him.”

“Good,” Chains grunts and jerks his chin toward Tyres.

“You say that, but are you willing to do anything for him? Give him what he needs?” Tyres asks.

Again, I don’t know what he means, but it’s Speed he’s talking about. For him, I know I’d do anything. I don’t have to be asked to be with him or to do things for him. To answer his question, I nod and whisper, “Yes.”

“Then come on,” he mutters and ushers me out of the main room down a hall and straight back to another door. Tyres stops, looks at me once more, and sighs. “Whatever happens, don’t let him push you away. Don’t get scared and run from him. He needs you probably as much as you need him. He’s my brother, no matter the fact we don’t share blood. Every one of us men here would do anything for him. But we can’t help him the way he needs it right now. That’s you. From what I’ve seen with you two, you can beat back the anger raging inside him.”

“I don’t understand,” I whisper, furrowing my brow.

“I know you don’t, Lily.” Tyres sighs, shaking his head. “But Speed needs you more or less, he needs your body. Whenever she shows herself, he gets like this, and he fucks. He doesn’t think we know the whole truth, but we do, and we’d do anything for him. If you don’t think you can handle what he’s gonna need, then say the word. We’ll figure something else out.”

It dawns on me what he’s getting at, and I nod, swallowing nervously. I grab the doorknob, twist it, and shove it open to step into the club’s gym. My eyes find him instantly slamming his fists into a punching bag.

“Speed?” I call out, wanting him to hear me over the sounds of beating the bag to a pulp. With the way he tenses, I know he hears me but chooses to ignore me.I don’t let it affect me, no matter how much it hurts. Stepping closer, I call out again, “Speed, are you okay?”

“Go back inside, Lily,” he orders harshly. “You don’t need to be in here.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I’m proud of myself for not letting my nervousness be heard. “I’m staying right here.”

“Lily, I won’t tell you again,” Speed punches the bag harder, “go inside. I don’t want you in here.”

“And I told you I’m staying,” I snap, surprising myself.

Speed whirls around, nostrils flaring, eyes narrow, and heat filling them, sweat already coating his face and chest. “You need to fuckin’ listen to me.”

I don’t have to hear the growling tone to know he’s pissed and getting more so because I refuse to listen to him.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I murmur, holding his gaze. I want him to see that I’m not a weakling and can handle anything he throws at me. For him, I could do whatever he needs, be what he wants. “I’m staying right here . . . with you.”

Speed advances on me before the last word leaves my lips completely, wraps an arm around my waist, and the other goes up so he tangles his fingers in my hair. He wrenches my head back roughly, and I hold back my wince but not the gasp.

“You want me to hurt you? ‘Cause that’s what will happen if you stay right now. I’ll fuckin’ hurt you.”

“You could never hurt me. Not really. Who’s to say I won’t like what you give me?” I ask boldly. This is Speed. My Speed. I don’t think he could do anything that I wouldn’t like.