Page 21 of Speed's Ride

“We’ll discuss this later. For now, tell me, you get that you’re not a nobody.”

Lily nods in answer to Chains’s demand which seems good enough for him, but it’s not enough for me. She’s got to know she means something. Her life counts, just as everyone else’s does. Well, except for the spineless SOBs that need to have the life snuffed out of them.

“I made spaghetti,” Lily announces in a way to change the subject, “and garlic bread.”

“I’ll make sure to get some for Tiny and myself, but first, I need to go check on the kids for her. She wants them, and I’m not ready for her to see them with how exhausted she is.” He smirks, and I get what he means . . . he wore her out. Chains switches his focus entirely to me. “Tomorrow morning, church, first thing.”

“You got it, Prez,” I mutter, giving him a chin lift.

Chains nods and heads out of the kitchen, leaving us alone once more.

I return my attention to Lily, pull her deeper into my space, and hold her to me. Tilting my head down, I brush my lips to the top of her head. “Let’s finish eating what you made for us. I have a craving for something else, and you’re gonna need your strength for what I’ve got in mind, babycakes. I intend to show you just how much of a nobody you really are. ‘Cause I meant what I said, Lily, you are not. Then afterward, I’m going to hold you close the rest of the night, and we’re going to get to know each other even more.”

“Even more?” she whispers.

“Yeah, you’ve told me about your life. Now it’s my turn to tell you about mine and the shitshow it was growing up.”

“Shitshow?” she asks, cocking her head back in order for us to lock eyes, her brows furrowed. “What do you mean by that?”

I sigh and decide to give her a little while we finish eating. Letting her go, I motion to the food. “Eat, and I’ll tell you why you do so.”

“Okay,” she murmurs and turns back to her plate.

Retaking my seat, I pull the plate back to me and start talking. “Grew up with a mom who was nothing but a bitch. She still is, and I hate her nearly as much as she hates me.”


“Because I ruined her life, is what she says at least.” I take a bite, chew, and keep going. “The woman is nothing more than a gold-digging whore. Not that she actually could get a man that has money. She locked herself to a deadbeat who knocks her around. The only time she calls me now is when she wants money and expects me to give it to her.”

“You don’t, do you?” Lily asks.

“Not anymore. She likes to think she can play games. Says she gave me life, and I need to be the one to take care of her.”

“Wow,” Lily whispers. “She sounds delightful.”

“You could say that,” I grunt, leaving that between us as we finish the rest of our meal. I don’t like talking about the bitch, and I’m not about to let the woman fuck up what I’ve got going for me now.”

I think between the two of us, we’ve had enough shit in our lives, my woman especially. But she doesn’t know the full story about my mom yet, and I don’t want to tell her, but she needs to know I understand her in some ways. It’s why it pisses me off that she would think she’s a nobody when she’s so much more than that.

She’s become my everything.



“After what happened, are you okay?” Tiny asks, joining me at one of the many tables scattered around the main room. Eyes on me, one of those mugs with lids in her hands.

I guess Chains had the same thought about Tiny having a drink with a lid on it. Less chances of it getting dosed. That’s what Speed said to me when he’d given me one for my coffee this morning. I didn’t know I could love a substance as much as I do this coffee. I wasn’t allowed to have it before, but it’s good, and I enjoy it every chance I get.

“I’m good,” I answer, shifting in my seat to put my feet on the seat in front of me. “What about you?”

“It was intense,” she remarks with a sigh. “Thanks to Angelina sedating me, I was out for the worst of it, I suppose.”

Speed had explained to me that Angelina had done this with both Tiny and myself. He also told me about how I’d been hot and far too much temptation for him with the way I’d been touching myself . . . his words, not mine . . . He didn’t want to take the chance of me doing something that I would regret. This is why I didn’t mind giving in to him and my desire for him.

Last night after dinner, he’d done just as he said he would. He did things with me, all of them I’d done before, but with him, it felt far more intense. Passionate even. Afterward, Speed also talked to me more about his past. I get the feeling there’s more to it than he’s told me. Though I want to know, I won’t pry. It’s his story to tell when he’s ready.

“I agree it was a good idea.” I nod as a few ol’ ladies join us at the table. “Is it like this all the time?” I find myself asking, glancing around the room. For the most part, it’s empty except for children and the prospects, one at the door, another at the bar, and the third one at the doors to where the men went. All of them have eyes scanning, watching, keeping an eye on things. What I don’t see are the strays out and about.