Page 23 of Speed's Ride

Perrin always made sure I was under lock and key whenever I wasn’t with him. I wasn’t allowed to go outside without him. If I was outside, it was because he wanted me there.

Sighing, I keep walking, completely lost in thought.


I stop at the sound of Speed shouting my name. Even distracted as I am, I’d know his voice. Twisting, I spot him coming in my direction. The way he moves, it’s more of a prowl rather than him walking. Almost like he was stalking prey. From the expression on his face, I’d say he was really, really mad right now. And considering his eyes are narrowed on me, it would seem that anger is directed toward me.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he demands the instant he’s in my space, arms locking around me. One at the base of my neck, the other around my waist.

“I was just walking, getting fresh air,” I answer, unsure if I should say any more.

“Getting fresh air?” he fumes, and I swear if smoke could escape through his ears and nose, it would be.

“Yes,” I confirm and go on to explain further, hoping he’ll understand. “I hadn’t been outside, and you said I could as long as I was on the property. I was hoping being in the sun would help ease the pain I was getting in my head.”

“You got a headache?” he asks, losing some of the anger in his expression.

I nod my answer.

“Lily, you do not go outside without letting me or someone know,” he growls, squeezing my neck slightly.

“But you said . . .”

“That was before shit got real,” he snarls, stepping so close our fronts meet, and I have to tilt my head back to meet his gaze. “You were drugged the other day because some cunt got greedy. Perrin got to her, offered a deal. If he can get to you by that outlet, you don’t think he’ll have someone watching this place, looking for a way to get to you?”

I didn’t think about that.

“I see what I just said is sinking in, but I’m still going to say it so we’re fuckin’ clear.” His voice deepens, and he has this harsh tone to it. “You don’t go anywhere without me until shit is handled. You want outside, fine, but not without me. When it comes to you, Lily, I’ll do what it takes to keep you safe. I’m not about to lose you, and you need to get that because to protect you, you have to listen when I tell you something. You got me?”

“I think so,” I whisper, licking my bottom lip. “I’m sorry.”

“No reason to apologize, babycakes, just don’t do it again.” He leans in, brushes his lips against mine briefly, and starts to guide me back to the clubhouse. We get nearly all the way to the door when a honking at the gates catches both of our attention.

From the way Speed tenses, I know this person wasn’t invited, and it could be a problem.



Anger still flows through my veins, and I’m doing my best to check it. Lily doesn’t need me losing my shit on her. Swear to fuck, I thought I’d have an aneurysm when I got out of church only to find her missing. Tiny had said she was going to the room to lie down, but she wasn’t there when I checked.

I started to think the worst, and fuck if it didn’t have my heart racing.

I nearly lost it, and going outside to find her walking along the fence line didn’t help matters. What got me to cool it was the way she mentioned the sun. I saw it in her eyes, she needed the fresh air. I’m willing to bet she didn’t get a lot of that through the years. Not free air, that is. It doesn’t mean I’m not still pissed with her, but I’ll rein it, considering she’s not used to this shit. I will still be explaining things further to her, so she gets what I’m talking about. Lily might have agreed to what I told her already, hell, it probably sunk in, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make sure it sticks.

The sound of the car horn honky at the gate gets my attention, and I twist to see who the fuck it is, only to tense as I recognize the beat-up pickup truck.

“Speed,” Lily murmurs, hand on my arm, “are you okay?”

“The hell is going on out here?” Tyres demands, coming through the doors with Breaker, Shock, Steel, and Lynch behind him.

“It’s nothing.” The words are harsh as I step away from them all. “I’ll take care of it. Just do me a favor and get Lily out of sight.”

Tyres eyes me closely, looks to the gates, then back to me. “That who I think it is?”

“Yep,” I grumble. “I’ll deal with this.”

“You gonna give her money?” my VP asks, crossing his arms.