One side of his mouth quirks up. “Unfortunately.”
I stifle a laugh. “Well, then, if you know, you know.”
Joshua gives me a sympathetic look. “From what I can gather, it couldn’t have been an easy time for you back then. Or your mom.”
I purse my lips. “Hardly. But it’s ancient history”
I don’t want to talk to a stranger about my life, or my mom’s. Plus, you never know what might end up getting back to Dad. It’s not any of his business, either.
“Well, look.” Joshua clears his throat and holds out a hand. “For what it’s worth, I hope you come on board at RJW. This place could use a little shaking up. And I know it would mean a lot to your dad.”
“Honestly? I can’t imagine why. I can’t possibly have anything of value to contribute to the company. I don’t know anything about real estate. I’ve never even owned my own home.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself,” he says. “Your dad obviously believes in you. And he’s got a good eye for talent.”
I snort. “Come on. This is just a nepotism thing.”
He cocks a brow. “Why don’t you just give it a try? You might surprise yourself. And hey, you might even find that you like it.”
Maybe I’ve misjudged Joshua. I can’t imagine why he’d be trying to talk me into this if he wants to take over after Dad’s gone.
“We’ll see,” I concede. “Anyway, thanks for lunch. And maybe I’ll see you again soon.”
“Looking forward to it,” he says, and holds out a hand. I shake it, noticing how strong and warm it is. I decide I’m going to suspend judgment on Joshua Lansbury for now.
“Jesus, Rogue, you look like shit,” Matthias says as we sit down in the chapel for church. “What the fuck? Did a truck run you over?”
“Problems with the old ball and chain, brother?” Mal quips. “She put you out in the doghouse last night?”
“Wait, what? Ball and chain?” Yoda looks from one to the other. “The fuck you talkin’ about?”
“Didn’t you hear?” Matthias grins. “Rogue is hitched.”
“What the fuck? When did that happen?” Yoda blurts out.
“I’m not married!” I bark.
“Lies! That’s not what you told us at the Viking,” Mal says. “I distinctly remember you calling that chick your wife. What’s her name again? Rory?”
“Holy fuck.” Yoda’s eyes are wide as he stares at me.
“She’s smokin’ hot, too.” Mal lets out a wolf whistle. “But shit, Rogue, if she ain’t really your wife, then that means she’s fair game, doesn’t it? Any idea where she’s staying?”
“You stay the fuck away from her,” I snarl.
There’s general hilarity around the table. A nerve starts to pulse in my forehead.
“Ooh, now here we have a contradiction,” Mal says, snickering. “So, which is it? Is she your wife or ain’t she? Because if that shit ain’t legal, I’m gonna hit it, you best believe.”
“Okay, okay,” Axel calls over the voices and laughter as he takes his seat at the head of the table. “Can we turn our attention from Rogue’s marital woes long enough to get some fuckin’ business taken care of?” He bangs the gavel. “Church is in session.”
“Thank Christ,” I mutter.
“Main order of business is the situation with the Wretched Souls MC.”