Page 59 of Iron Fist

I try to ignore the warm feeling in my gut. “It’s nothing. Really. You need a hand right now.”

“I’m not really used to having people there to help me out,” she says softly.

“Well, it might have been Wrecker’s old lady who did it. So it falls under the umbrella of club business.”

Her mouth quirks up. “Is that the only reason you’re doing it?”

I can’t help but grin back at her. “Maybe not.”

We sit there in companionable silence for a few seconds. I wait for her to finish her cinnamon roll. Underneath the fatigue in her eyes, she looks younger than usual, maybe because of the strain. She looks like my Aurora.



It’s then that something hits me. Something that’s been nagging at me just under the surface since I was on the phone with Thorpe at the garage.

“I know she’ll open her legs for anyone who wants her to. All a guy’s gotta do is crook his finger and she’ll come running.”

The thing is, I never told Thorpe why Aurora and I broke up. I never told anyone about her cheating on me, or how I found out. I was too embarrassed.

Then, something else pops to the surface. What Dad said to me when I was at his place yesterday.

“You were so blind. All she needed was a little push to show her true colors. ’S what I told Thorpe.”

A little push…

A push?


“Yes?” She looks up at me, the cup of coffee halfway to her lips.

“Was it Thorpe?”


The color drains from Rory’s face. Telling me my hunch is correct.

The cup slips from her hand. It lands at an angle and sloshes over the table, pouring into her lap. Crying out, she jumps up and grabs her napkin, wiping at her pants with trembling hands.

My brain is spinning at a hundred miles an hour. I’m numb with confusion and disbelief as I grab some napkins from a dispenser the next table over and turn to give them to her. Which is when I realize tears are streaming down her face.

“I didn’t know,” she says, her voice breaking. “I don’t remember it!”

“You don’t…?” I have no idea what she’s trying to say to me.

“I didn’t mean for it to happen!” she sobs. “I don’t know how it did! You were out of town with your dad and there was a party. Thorpe was there, and I thought he was hanging out with me because you asked him to. I didn’t drink very much, but then somehow I got really dizzy and passed out… And then he… when I woke up… he…”

She chokes up and starts crying harder.

I can’t believe what I’m fucking hearing. There’s like a buzzing in my ears. A hammering in my heart that starts to get faster.

“Are you saying herapedyou, Rory?”

Rory lifts her stricken face to look at me. “I never would have cheated on you, Brody,” she whispers. “Not in a million years.”

The buzzing is getting louder. “Why? Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”