Page 12 of Pumpkin Spice Magic

A burst of laughter escapes me at such a hangdog look on a horse and Iyano gives me a lopsided grin that sends a melting heat through me—like it always does, I unexpectedly recall. That is a special smile reserved only for me that is filled with such warmth and love while he governs with a cool and compassionate command. The insight makes me tremble a little and my gaze drops back toward Varkoth as I feel my face heat with embarrassment.

I know that Iyano wants me to remember and that is the whole purpose of this little outing, but I feel lost and more than a little confused. Random fragments of memory paired with sudden bursts of emotion of which I can’t distinguish from one moment to the next what’s from me and what is due to this person I supposedly once was makes me feel like a stranger in my own body. Every reaction feels heightened because of it and like a puzzle that I know will eventually provide the key to this mystery.

Iyano’s hands smooth over my hips and I shiver in reaction, desire thickening within my belly as they run up to my waist and hold firmly. I feel the heat of his breath fanning over my neck and ear for only a second before he speaks, though I’m very aware of the hint of cinnamon to it that perhaps provides a touch more heat than the actual temperature.

“Are you ready, my love?”

I nod but, despite being prepared, I gasp a little as he swings me up onto the long, padded saddle effortlessly. I know he is strong, but nothing had really prepared me for that. Iyano vaults up gracefully behind me. His wings flare wide and give a strong flap as he leaps up behind me, before folding behind him as he finds his seat. He pulls me back against him so that my back is supported against his chest, and I’m nestled further into the vee between his legs so that we touch from my shoulder to my ass. His tail coils around my waist keeping me snugly against him so that I can’t miss the hard muscle of his thighs pressing against mine. His cock is a thick bar of rigid heat pressing against me, and I bite my lip as my belly tightens with an intense heat of arousal coiling through me. I can feel it spilling from my sex and I angle my hips to put more direct pressure from the saddle between my thighs.

It doesn’t go unnoticed by my demon “husband,” however. I feel his head dip forward and hear his deep, lustful growl just as much as I can feel it vibrating through me. I can also feel his cock swelling larger where it’s nestled against my ass. I’m sure it is my imagination because as hard and thick as it is there is no way that it can possibly get larger, but I bite back a moan when it rubs deliciously against Iyano nudges Varkoth into a brisk walk.

“You smell so good,” he purrs against my neck, and it sends another shiver through me.

For the time being, I’m conscious of nothing by the sway of our bodies as Varkoth’s pace picks up and he canters down the sloping hillside and into the dark woods that surrounds the manor. The wind rustles the remaining leaves, and the branches rattle softly. I catch glimpses of the full moon shining down on us from overhead amid the velvet darkness of the night and the gem-like pinpricks of the stars scattered across the heavens. It seems a little odd that a demonic world would have such a sight. I had always thought demons would live far beneath the ground. I never would have, for even a moment, imagined such a magical sight for the stars seem bright here and far more colorful with faint trails of pinks and greens forming around rivers of stars. Their formations remind me a little of views of the Milky Way in the darkest of places on Earth.

There is a hum of magic in the air that is familiar and strong. It rushes over me, teasing me with its power. It feels so good! My eyes immediately roll upward and my nipples pebble at its touch. Iyano chuckles in my ear.

“Ah, there it is. I was wondering if you would still be able to feel it while locked in human flesh,” he rasps as he grinds his hips against me. “There is something so erotic in the energies of this one night when the lands of the underworld and all of those spaces in between are filled with the rush of new life as everything renews once more.” His hand coasts down from around my waist, slipping down my belly. “The bonfires have been lit since yesterday and the village just beyond these woods has been locked in celebration ever since. Merriment, lust, love all come together. Homage paid to the passage of the dead and creation catching fire and burning within us. You felt it last night, did you not? Your cunt weeping for me?”

His fingers gather up my skirt and slip beneath it, to slide beneath my panties and brush in teasing little strokes against my sex. I make a strangled sound at the sensation but quickly nod, not wanting to chance making him stop. His fingers stroke back and forth, aided by the movement of the horse even as I’m pinned against him by his arm stretched over me. I cling to that arm, dragging in gasping breaths of air as his fingers rub against my clit and dip into me in long, gratifying strokes. Even when he strokes into me, my clit is not forgotten as he gently grinds the heel of his hand against it as his fingers seek out and find that sensitive spot just inside my channel.

My hips arch as much as they are capable, and a soft squeal of pleasure escapes me before my bottom is crushed against his cock once more and his fingers drive into me. His grunt is breathy in my ear, and I can feel his cock jerk impatiently. He strokes unerringly over the sensitive bundles of nerves within me, hooking his fingers expertly as if he was familiar with my body in ways that only a long-time lover can be. I undulate against his hand, riding his fingers as I grind my pussy harder against his palm and its heel. The first tingle of my impending climax takes me by surprise but then it is bursting through me as I strangle on a shouted cry. Iyano growls, his teeth gripping against my neck as his cock jerks repeatedly against me. He is releasing into his breeches with an abandon and overwhelming lust for me that I find hot as fuck.

I’m climbing down from my climax, but I’m tempted to find a spot to pull over when I focus on my surroundings just in time to see a ghostly parade of the dead flowing all around us as we break from the forest. They sweep all around us, their heads lifted as a sound of sorrow, of peace, or of joy come from them. Some faces are expressionless, while others burn with joy and others are crestfallen with misery and regret.

I should feel embarrassed or ashamed of reaching my own pinnacle amidst this solemn affair and yet I strangely don’t. Nor am I alarmed at the sight of them. Some part of me almost expected it, I think. Instead, I’m filled with a happy, peaceful feeling as I settle back against Iyano’s chest as his cloak partially wraps around me beneath the large, leathery wings he had closed around our bodies at some point.

“They are drawn to the power raised together,” he whispers into my ear. “That spark of life, joy, and pleasure feeds them as assuredly as the food of the dead and the smoke offered up by their loved ones in memory of them.”

“They don’t see what we are doing?” I whisper back, and he shakes his head.

“They are still traveling within the fading shadows of their mortal lives. What we shared is but a feeling of bliss that comforts them and draws them into our happiness.”

Varkoth suddenly surges over a small rise, and I’m treated to a view of the town sitting amidst long fields. Bonfires are lit all around the town and the city itself is lit up in celebration as the dead converge upon it.

“The feast has begun,” Iyano murmurs and a thrill of some knowing I can’t quite grasp rushes over me as we make for the town.

Twisted, monstrous scarecrows watch as we pass, their mouths grinning wickedly, their sightless eyes staring after us as we get ever closer and the shrill, hollow sounds erupt from the distance that makes the blood chill, calling to something deep within to rise.

What is to come—I don’t know. But the buried part of me does know and hungers for it and I don’t know why I feel excitement or even anticipation for it. All I know is that the town is rising rapidly in front of us, welcoming us, and there’s no turning back.