Page 19 of Unforgettable

“Really?” My voice bordered on the edge of shrieking.

We both turned to look at Dr. Farris, who was trying hard as can be to hide his laughter. Vince and I looked at one another, the biggest smiles on our faces. Dr. Farris’s clap snapped us back to attention. “Well,”—his voice was overly cheerful—“I think we’ll conclude this session for today. I’d give you some homework to work on, but I think you both have a handle on what steps to take next.”

“Yes, Dr. Farris. Thank you so much,” I said.

“So, so much,” Vince added, clasping his hand with Dr. Farris’s in gratitude.

“Should you need a follow-up appointment, don’t hesitate to call the office.” Dr. Farris’s words were hurried as Vince and I rushed out the door.

Chapter 12


“Hailey, you’re speeding. Slow down.”

I laughed and looked at Vince, who was grinning from ear to ear. Even in the dimming light, I could see his megawatt smile.

I grinned. “Sorry.”

He knew I wasn’tsorry. His chuckle filled the empty space around us. He patted my leg, leaving his hand on my knee. “I just don’t want to get pulled over and have to wait any longer.”

His words pulled at every fiber of my being. His touch—even a simple act—had my loins heating up.

We pulled into the driveway, looked at one another again, and opened our doors.

My heart began pounding as I climbed out. The reality of everything hit me.

I met Vince’s eyes. Hunger filled them. His entire body seemed coiled and ready to strike. The look he sent me made me weak in the knees. His stance reminded me of a hunter stalking its prey. But I didn’t feel like a victim. I felt alive. Every synapse and neuron fired, electrifying my entire body.

Vince’s smile, growing larger and larger by the second, was infectious. Before we even started up the walkway, he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me in for a kiss. He crashed his lips to mine. A new zap of electricity coursed through me. The trees in the yard might offer some coverage, but the lit-up driveway didn’t really hide us—or what we were doing. Any of our neighbors driving by could see us. As well as his parents, who were right inside with our son. He hadn’t kissed me like this since he’d come home. As his hands moved over my body, one settled onto my hip and the other at the base of my neck, all thoughts of anyone else slipped away. His lips consumed me, drowned my worry, and erased anything but me and him—here and now.

When his tongue touched mine, we groaned in unison. The slow, passionate union of his mouth and mine made me quiver. It was a sexual awakening. The sound of his groan was familiar, yet different. It was almost like hearing a new sound, and when it hit your ears, it was the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard.

His broad chest under my hands immediately brought memories to mind of how his naked skin felt. I couldn’t help but fist the fabric in my grasp. Vince’s lips on mine, and his touch filled me with an intense desire. My whole body seemed to be vibrating. I was on the verge of rubbing up against him when he pulled away. I immediately wanted to yank him back to me. But his words, “Let’s take this inside,” stopped me.

“Okay,” I whispered, practically out of breath.

As he reached for the knob, he met my eyes and said, “Shit.” The look on his face was a mixture of amusement and confusion.

“What?” I asked, wanting to open it myself so we could get to the bedroom as fast as possible.

“My parents.”

“Shit,” I echoed. “I completely forgot about them.”

We shared a chuckle as we looked one another over to ensure we didn’t look like teenagers who just got done making out in the car.

“I’ll tell them I’m tired and want to go to bed.” Vince’s excuse might work, but we both knew better than to assume it would get them out of the house at lightning speed.

“Maybe we should—” Vince held up his hand to silence me.

“Something’s off,” he whispered, stepping inside. “Shh.” The sound was so quiet only I could hear him.

“You’re worrying me,” I mouthed, my eyes darting to the kitchen. Every light was off except the one above us in the entryway.

He moved me behind him and pulled an umbrella—the only thing available—from the coat rack.

Even though I held my breath, the sound of my heart hammering in my chest echoed off the walls. I thought maybe Renee and Daniel took Hudson somewhere. I probably should have told Vince, but now it was too late. I probably should have noticed the light wasn’t lit up from inside when we pulled up. But I’d been too engrossed in Vince and the idea of sex to notice.