Page 29 of Unforgettable

“It’s okay you don’t remember it. You probably only looked at it for five seconds before you ripped it off of me. I barely remember it either, and I’m the one who picked it out.” I kissed him. “Really, baby, don’t read too much into this. Now, where were we?”

He answered me with a kiss instead of words. As we picked up where we left off, the heat of his body instantly warmed me as he wrapped me in his embrace.

“I want more of you.” The way he whispered the words in my ear made me shiver. I breathed a deep breath, filling my nose with his cologne. The air turned electric with a vibrating sexual charge.

When my eyes met his, there was a mixture of want and need, impatience and restraint. The hunger in his eyes told me he wanted to devour me right then and there. But the warmth of his words spoke about his unending desire. “You make me feel all tingly,” I said, shivering slightly under his touch.

“You make me feel alive.” His words made me feel like Superwoman. “Your face is the image I held onto every hour I was away.” He looked down, and I knew he was omitting the words “held” and “prisoner” for my benefit. The thought of what he went through wrecked me. “You are my angel, my saving grace.”

My breath hitched as his blue eyes met mine. “You are my hero.” He shook his head dismissing that idea. “And the love of my life.”

His eyes were intense as they pinged back to mine. The tiny vein in his neck pulsed. “I love how you look at me when you say that.”

“How do I look?”


As the single word hit my ears, goosebumps erupted over my entire body.

He smiled and said, “It makes me want to kiss you again. All over.” His smile turned to a grin, playful and sexy.

“Is that so?” I asked as heat flushed my chest, neck, and face.

“Oh yeah.” His gravelly tone was full of sex. My thoughts turned wicked and sinful as his lips captured mine. “Hailey, oh, God, I love you so much.” He pulled me tighter to him, holding onto the back of my neck and over my ass like he didn’t ever plan to let go.

“Touch me, baby,” I begged. His tongue touched mine, beginning his slow seductive dance. I moaned, as his hands moved over my body, lighting up every cell within.

He began undressing me. He threw my tank to the floor. Now we were both bare-chested. As Vince’s fingers trailed over me, my skin pricked with goosebumps. He dipped his head, kissing my right shoulder, following the path of my clavicle, and moving his lips across and over to the left. Our mouths merged for a few hot and heady seconds before he dipped his head, sucking a nipple into his mouth. His tongue taunted and teased, pulling another moan from me.

I hoped this feeling never went away. “Kiss me and make me come for you,” I said.

He pulled my shorts off and grazed his tongue against my clit. He groaned and said, “Fuck, Hailey. I love how you taste.” He didn’t wait for my response as he buried his face between my legs, spreading them further apart and holding me open. As exposed and vulnerable as I was, the way he sighed and moaned as he tasted me made me feel gloriously beautiful.

I hoped this feeling never went away.

He slid his fingers inside and he instantly took me to the edge of the cliff. “Baby, don’t stop. Faster. Just like that.” I kept talking, getting louder and louder until finally I fell over, screaming his name.

He sucked at me, then kissed my inner thigh before climbing up my body. I could feel him poised and ready to take me and make me his. “Fuck, I love that pussy,” he said as he pushed inside, stretching me open, and filling me inch by pleasurable inch. His lips met mine, and the way I could taste myself on his lips was sexy and heady, and turned me on all over again. The way I connected with Vince was powerful. Our love was indescribable; we cherished one another like no other.

As we moved together rhythmically, like we were dancing to our own song, I moaned as Vince rolled his hips, hitting my spot in a deliciously wicked way. “Touch yourself,” he said. He lifted himself up so there was room between us. I reached down and slid my fingers over myself as he pressed my legs back, using his shoulders to hold me open wide. As he thrust, like a maniac, my tits jiggled, and my movements sped up.

“Fuck, baby! Just like that. I’m so close!” I screamed. “Right there! Harder! Faster! Holy shit, Vince. Oh, my God!” My eyes rolled back in my head, and I squeezed my eyes shut as stars exploded all around me.

“Keep rubbing your clit,” he said. My sensitivity made me want to stop, but his words were too enticing. I opened my eyes and was so aroused by watching Vince watch me. He pounded me a few more times before throwing his head back and groaning so loudly it shook the walls.

He collapsed on top of me, breathing so hard, I knew it would be a few minutes before either of us could speak. He was still buried deep inside me as we lay together. I wrapped myself around him, holding onto him and wanting to keep ourselves linked as long as possible. Vince has always been the only man for me. He owned every part of me—mind, body, heart, and soul.

Life may have thrown us for a loop, but the one thing I knew for sure, Vince and I were meant to be. Our love, our life as parents, and our beautiful son were the most important things in the world. Luck was on my side with bringing Vince home, and what we had—right here, right now—was worth fighting for.

There was nothing I wouldn’t do to help Vince. Even if he didn’t get all of his memories back, I would find a way to create more moments like this so that moving forward, the sting of his loss would eventually fade.

Chapter 18


Explosive diarrhea was no joke.

Hudson was constipated. We were going on day two of no number twos, and he was cranky as all get out. We tried water with a splash of juice instead of milk. We fed him oatmeal and apples and pears, which were high-fiber choices that should aid in helping him “go.”