Page 21 of Unforgettable

Being cordial and trying to talk to everyone who came overwhelmed me. A guy named Curtis came over. And for the life of me, I couldn’t pinpoint how I knew him. I made a mental note to ask Hailey later, but then started stressing about forgetting to do so and going through this whole rigamarole again with him the next time we saw one another.

I slipped away from everyone without saying a word. Sequestered in the back of the house, I sat on the edge of the bed and closed my eyes. I used the box breathing technique. It was supposed to help in high-stress situations, but there was no managing the pressure I was feeling.

“Baby?” Hailey’s sweet voice came to me as the door squeaked. “Hey, there you are.” Quiet as a mouse, she stepped into the room. Her hand moving over the top of my head soothed me. I’d seen her do the same thing to Hudson. Now I knew why it had a calming effect on him.

“I wasn’t ready for all that,” I admitted. “It’s all . . .”

“Too much?” she asked.

I nodded. “I hate feeling like this, Hailey. And I’m pissed that my parents did this without even asking. Why can’t they just leave me be?”

She sighed. “I understand what you’re feeling. And I also understand your mom and why she did this. Being a mom is the most rewarding yet heart-wrenching thing I’ve ever done. Losing you tore us all apart. Getting you back was a gift. And I hope you know she had the best of intentions. Hmm?” I nodded silently. “Maybe the execution of the plan wasn’t the greatest idea, but you know it all comes from a good place. A place of love. Yeah?”

“I know she meant well, babe.” I hated feeling like a chump. But here we were. My mom wanted to surprise me. But I still felt really lost, and I didn’t want any extra attention. When the knock came, I knew it was my mom. “Come in,” I said.

“Hey,” she said, peeking in.

“It’s okay, Mom. Come in.”

Her eyes whooshed from me to Hailey. I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry, Mom. I’m just not . . . I’m tired.” It wasn’t an outright lie. I was exhausted. Not too exhausted to have sex, but too tired to deal with a houseful of people.

“I’m sorry, Vince. I wanted to do something nice for you and Hailey. And I wanted the people who care about you most to celebrate you.”

“I know. And I appreciate it.”

“I didn’t mean to overstep, honey.”

“It’s complicated. I don’t know how to explain it.”

“I feel awful.”

“No, Mom, don’t. I just need some time to deal with this on my own.”

“You don’t have to come back out, okay? Just . . . whatever you need. They’ll understand.”

“No. No, just give me a couple of minutes. Okay?” I hoped she took my smile as I meant it.

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.” She kissed my cheek, squeezed Hailey’s hand, and returned to be the gracious hostess I knew her to be.

Hailey rested her head on my shoulder and placed her hand on my thigh. Even that simple act turned me on. She kissed my neck and whispered, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I said.

I groaned when she removed her hand. I slapped my thighs and huffed. “All right, let’s get this over with.” I stood and held out my hand for her.

She took it and stood, placing her lips on mine. The kiss quickly turned into a fiery one that promised tonight would be a night to remember. “I’m so happy to celebrate you, baby.” She smoothed my shirt and lifted a brow. “But as soon as the last person leaves, we’re gonna pick up right where we left off.”

She yelped and giggled when I smacked her ass as we walked back out to the party.

Chapter 14


I shouldn’t have felt anxious.

Hailey and I were finally alone . . . in our bedroom . . . but the bed seemed like an enigmatic entity instead of the cozy space we’d shared countless nights before. She was my wife, and I knew her more intimately than anyone in my entire life. We’d done this thousands of times before. I knew her touch and her smell. I knew how she felt in my arms and the sounds she made. That I remembered. I also knew how well we fit together and how being with her wasn’t just an emotional, but spiritual connection.