“How’s everything going with you? Any updates on your internship or... anything else else you might want to share?”
The question lingers in the air, and I think of Drake and my feelings for him. But I stop short when I imagine how she’ll react to that.
“Nothing, everything’s going smooth in my personal life – school, internships, they’re all going well. Why?”
“Good, oh nothing… I just wanted to be sure,” she says. Then she clears her throat, and I know she’s about to say something serious. “You know, I was wondering if you know Daniel Strong’s real name is Daniel Armstrong.”
My heart slams violently against my rib cage. “Um, yeah, I know that.”
“And did you know his son is Drake Armstrong?”
If we were in person, she would immediately know that I was hiding something. My breathing accelerates, and the shaking in my hand increases. I place my phone on the table gently so I won’t drop it, then place the call on loudspeaker.
“Also, he’s over a decade older than you. Isn’t he?”
I swallow and try to make my tone light. “Yeah, mom. I know.” A nervous chuckle slips out of me. “Why are you asking me all this?” Even though she tries to keep her words airy like mine, I know they’re anything but.
“I saw you two interacting at the event, and I thought I’d mention it, that’s all.”
“You do know anyone having to do with Daniel Strong is this family’s enemy, right? Honey, please don’t be so chummy with him. It’s a bad look.”
I don’t know who uses the word enemy in this day and age, but I feel sick, like a heavy stone just settled in the pit of my stomach. Tears sting my eyes, and I close them shut.
Neither of us says anything on the call for a while before my mother clears her throat. “I just called to wish you good luck in your finals. I believe in you, Ava, your dad and I love you. He sends his regards.”
After the call, I find somewhere to sit because I suddenly feel drained of energy. The stone in my stomach is getting bigger until I feel like I physically can’t move.
It’s like the universe is trying to shove a cruel reminder that Drake and I could never be a thing in the real world.
As if my challenges weren’t enough, first, he was my professor, so we couldn’t be seen together. And just when he quit as my professor, I find out his father wrecked my family, not to mention, as my mother pointed out, he’s more than a decade older than me.
I lie on my side, thinking about everything. I don’t know I’m asleep until I jerk awake hours later. My stomach is still in knots, but the pain is even more intense now.
I place a hand on my abdomen, trying to make sense of the blinding pain and rush to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach.
When I’m done, I sit on the floor and try to catch my breath.
I wash my face in the sink, and I’m about to leave the bathroom when something catches my attention. My period calendar, I’m late.
My heart beats violently in my chest, and my breath hitches. No, it must have been something I ate. As I stare at the calendar, I gasp wide-eyed, then a giggle slips out of me, unexpected and unhinged, until I start laughing hysterically out loud, shaking my head at the idea.
No… I laugh.
What kind of crazy shit is this.
After staring at my period calendar for what seemed to be hours, I head to my study area and pick up my books, trying to keep it together instead of thinking up wild scenarios. But the thought won’t leave my head.
There’s no way.
Just to be sure, I jerk up from the bed, rush to Wal-Mart, and pick up a test. I know I can’t be pregnant, but I just need to be sure. So, with the test in my hand, I head back to the toilet, pee on it and a few minutes later.
No way.
Chapter twenty-eight
I feel like a superhero on a path of redemption, a man on a mission. Nervously, I drum my fingers against the steering wheel. After over an hour, I summon the courage to open the car door and step out.