“Are you OK?”
“Do you need an ambulance?”
My brain snaps awake and pieces what’s wrong together. I opened my eyes to see he’s holding me up while I grasp him with one hand, holding the door with the other.
“No, no. I’m fine, thank you.”
Did he just Save me?
OK, well, he didn’t exactly save me— I grabbed onto the poor man while looking for something to break my fall. And what perfect timing! I feel bad for him, but I can’t exactly let go, or I’ll end up on my ass. And I’m not about mopping the floor with my skirt.
“Let me help you up.” He swoops me to my feet before I figure out how best to stand.
“I’m sorry…thank you so much.” Standing firmly, I tip my head back to get a good look at my savior/victim. And good God. With that face, he must be used to women falling all over him. Dressed in a navy-blue suit that complements his gray eyes, I take in his strong brows, chiseled jawline, and sandy-cropped beard, sobering up immediately.
Holy shit, who actually looks this good—is this a Tik Tok prank? His lips move again, and I hardly register what he’s saying till I reply. “I’m fine, thanks for asking— I just slipped.” I look back, realizing that because of my buzz, I missed the fact the door was automatic. My cheeks flush with heat, and it sobers me up even more.
“Well, I’m glad you’re fine,” the navy blue suit says. His voice sounds like honey, butter, and dark chocolate. I could listen to him speak for hours and not get tired. Like he could whisper dark things in my ear, and I’d melt. I’m aware of everywhere his gaze touches: my arms, neck, and face. It’s like a caress. I look up at his eyes and instantly avert my gaze. Something about them makes me feel like he can see through me, making me more self-conscious by the minute. And his perfectly chiseled face doesn’t help matters.
This man is a damn god.
I feel another blush creeping up my cheeks. “I should go—my ride is waiting. Thanks again.” I grab my bag and head toward my Uber. This time around, I take care not to trip or cause any more drama, but drama has other plans because just as I’m about to enter the car, a voice rings out, “Hey, you, stop!”
Chapter two
Everything in life used to be either black or white, no in-between— And now I don’t know what it is anymore. Sitting in this room of entitled lawyers, I wonder who among them, if any, are like my father, laser-focused on winning no matter the cost.
“That concludes our session for today. Thanks everyone for…” The moderator’s voice jolts me to reality, and I turn my attention to the stage. I should be focusing on the lecture, not thinking about all the tragedy my father’s caused.
Thankfully, I’ve cut all business ties with him. Everyone shoots to their feet to disperse. I try to avoid letting my stray thoughts get the better of me. I should’ve disowned him years ago. My blood boiling, I force a breath and think of something else that makes me happier, the embodiment of life’s potential. I take out my phone to call her.
“Daddy!” Her little voice screams from the other end of the line.
“Hey princess, how’s my favorite girl?”
“I’m doing great, Daddy!”
“Good, honey, how was school today?” Getting married was never in my plans. But I did it anyway because isn’t that the order of things? My family had expectations for me, and I went along. I don’t entirely regret it because at least I have my little angel. Zoe’s voice brings me back to reality.
“School was great today! I drew a rabbit in art class, and Mrs. Robinson said it was cute. Ella drew a wolf, and everyone loved it, but I love my rabbit more.”
“Me too, pumpkin, I love your rabbit more.”
She gasps. “You do? It’s white and fuzzy with a little pink nose.”
“Really? Oh my, then it must be super cute.”
“It is.”
“OK, here’s what we’ll do— I’ll call you on Facetime once I get back to my hotel, and you can show it to me. Can we do that?”
“OK.” I can hear her joy through the phone. I can’t wait to see her so we can sign. She has much more to say when signing than speaking.
“What about you, Daddy? How are you?” I can’t help the way my face stretches ear to ear. My little angel is asking about me. She’s just three and a half years old, so cute and smart.
“Daddy’s fine, honey. I’m Missing you, that’s for sure.” I’ll be home soon, OK? Do you want me to get you anything?”