I’m happy.

It’s the first time in years I can honestly say I’m not lugging around heavy baggage. Sitting here with these fuzzy feelings in my chest has me convinced that only good is heading my way. All I can think about is one thing these days. …


I’ve been craving her, and I have fully accepted that I deeply care about her. And last night, I didn’t get to tell her because there was just too much going on, but I’m pretty damn sure she’s got the same feelings as me…I can just sense it. Now, I just got to let it out, and it’s been nagging at me. Snapping me back to reality, I notice Zoe standing ready to be picked up.

“Hey, Dad,” she grins.

“How was your day, bug?” She nods, and the wind messes up her hair. I reach out to tuck it behind her ear and crouch to meet her gaze.

“Well, give me the scoop… how was it?”

“First, I want a hug.”

I pull her into a big bear hug. It’s not your run-of-the-mill hug, though. Her little arms hang around my neck for longer than her usual three seconds. “Why the marathon hug?” a big grin plastered across my face. She just shrugs and quickly switches the topic by shoving a piece of paper in my face. “What’s that?” Her eyes light up, and she unfolds the paper to reveal a vibrant drawing. “I made this for Ava,” Zoe giggles, pointing at the artwork. It’s a woman standing under a tree in a polka-dot dress. “Our art teacher told us to sketch someone we look up to. I wanted to draw you, but I’m always drawing you. So, I picked Ava.” I playfully pout, and as my knees begin to protest from all that squatting, I stand. “So, Ava’s your new best friend? Hmm.”

“Oh, come on, Dad,” Zoe pouts, fully buying into my act. “I’ll sketch you next time.”

“I was just kidding, sweetie,” I laugh. “I’m sure Ava will love it.”

“Hey, you owe me a full twirl for faking,” she demands, stretching her arms out. I chuckle at her little trap and get ready to scoop her up when Ava’s text interrupts our moment.

“Can I swing by tonight?” I think this could be my golden opportunity to tell her how I feel. “Sure thing, I’d like that.” Zoe has something to show you,” I shoot off in response. A bit of time passes before she texts back. “Can I come over after she’s asleep? We need to talk.”

We need to talk.

Never in history have those three words ever led to a good thing. But ever since I opened up to her that morning, everything’s been great between us, so I’m guessing it’s all good. And I’ve got something important to get off my chest, too.

“Sounds good,” I text back. “She should be in bed by nine.” A couple of hours after I tuck Zoe in, there’s a knock on the door. When I let Ava in, something’s off. Her face is upset, and my heart plummets as soon as I lay eyes on her. I don’t need a crystal ball to tell me tonight isn’t going down as planned.

“What’s wrong, Ava?” I ask, concern oozing from my voice. She takes a deep breath, wrestling with her words. “Drake, even though this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, it has to be face-to-face. We have to stop this.” Honestly, I can’t decide what’s more of a shock, her words or her delivery. I literally take a step back and need a second to gather myself.

How did we get here? One minute, I’m having her in the most delicious way, and now she’s colder than an arctic breeze.

“Ava, why?” I stammer out.

“You know why, Drake. We can’t make this fly in the real world. My family will never forgive what your father did to us.”

“I get it … and they might need some extra time, Ava— but we’ll find a way. We can fight back or keep things quiet. Whatever you want to do.” “As I belt out my words, she shakes her head with shut eyes like my voice is cutting into her.

“You can’t let your family have the final say in your happiness forever, Ava.” But I already know this is asking for the moon. She uprooted her whole life just to make up for mistakes in her past—It’s obvious she’s not going to do anything that will hurt them.

And apparently, I’m nothing but hurt.

She looks at me, her eyes brimming with longing and pain. “I wish it were that simple, but the real world doesn’t work that way. I can’t put my family on the line. Not again.” Every word feels like a nail being driven over and over into my heart. I take a step toward her, but she takes one back.

“Ava, hang on.” I’m racking my brain for what to say. I figured tonight would be about us, a night where I confess my love to her. But her voice, weary… heavy… silences my thoughts. Her eyes are shouting what she’s not saying — she’s made up her mind, and nothing I say will change it.

“Give Zoe a kiss for me,” she says and turns, heading for the door. As she walks away, it’s like that nail in my heart drills even deeper until it pokes right through to the other side. The only thing left is a raw, empty mess.

How the hell did things spiral so out of control so fast?

Chapter thirty-one


I need to get my shit together.