Page 32 of Safe With You

She couldn't remember a time when she'd felt so cared for and so treasured. Molly couldn't wait to shower the same attention and affection on him.


She woke up and froze, her breath caught in her throat. The light coming through the window was still sunny, so she hadn't been asleep that long.

Turning her head, she could see that the bed beside her was empty. Molly took a moment to stretch her arms out on the bed and smiled when she couldn't reach the edges of the bed.

Wow. This is what a king bed is like.

Not bad.

Closing her eyes, she remembered him touching her just a little while ago and just the thought of it made her cheeks and the rest of her body tingle.

Moving her hands over her body, she felt the butter-soft cotton under her hands. Molly sat up and looked at the t-shirt she was wearing.

CCPD Station 4 Softball Team

Jacob's t-shirt.

It was well worn and smelled like his shirt from the night before. Before she went back to her house, she'd have to find out what kind of laundry detergent and softener he used. She liked the scent.

No, she loved it.

She tipped her chin down to look at the boxers she’d pulled from his drawer in the dark.

"Hey. You're awake."

She lifted her gaze and barely held her mouth closed at the sight of him in the doorway.

A tight white tank-top and grey sweatpants.

She finally understood the comments she'd seen on social media.

It was... eye opening.


Startled, she sat up and tried not to look as awkward as she felt. "Sorry. I'm still trying to get my bearings."

"I bet." He smiled, lifted his mug to his mouth, and took a sip. "I came to see if you wanted to come out and I can make you something to eat."

That got her attention and her stomach grumbled in her belly, almost silently.

Jacob lowered his coffee mug. "You can take anything out of my closet that you want, or I can bring your bag in."

Swinging her legs off the side of the bed, she almost laughed at the pair of boxers she'd scrounged from his drawers. The green boxers said 'KISS ME, I'M IRISH' across the butt and where the boxers opened in front, a large four-leaf clover. "Do you really wear these?"

Jacob walked closer to the bed and held out his hand.

Molly took it and stood up, walking beside him toward the hallway.

"I wear them if I haven't gotten a chance to do laundry and I'm down to the bottom of my drawer."

She turned her head to the side and smiled at him. "I would think these weren't really your style."

He glanced at her and nodded. "Our station did a Secret Santa thing the first year I was assigned there. Someone thought it would be a good idea because I'm Irish, I guess."

"I am too," she blurted out and then shook her head, "that's all I know of my family history. Most of it is pretty vague as far as where my ancestors come from, but with a name like Ferguson..."