Page 9 of Safe With You

She was in excellent hands, he just couldn't watch.

The elevator door burst open and Jacob drew his pistol.

Once he saw who stepped through the door, he lowered his pistol and shoved it back into his holster.

Officer Ashley was familiar to him as they both worked out of Station Four. Pilar holstered her weapon as well. "Crois started at the top of the building and is working his way back down. No sign of the men on the first and second floors, Detective."

He nodded and had to fight to speak. "No doubt the other unit has had the same amount of luck. I don't think they were planning to stick around."

Pilar reached out and put her hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"

He wanted to shrug her hand off on instinct, but he couldn't do it. The comfort she offered... it felt good. But there was something else they had to deal with.

He looked at the officer, his brow pinching over his nose. "Do you smell that?"

Pilar drew in a breath and her nose wrinkled in response. "That's some nasty stuff."

Together they started to follow the stench with their noses, but stopped when Harmony called out to him.


He turned and stopped short when he saw Molly on the gurney with Vega manually pushing air into her lungs with the aid of a rescue ventilator.

Harmony started to turn the gurney toward the elevators. "Are you coming with us?"

"Yeah. Of course." He started walking, but turned to look at Pilar.

She waved him on. "After Crois clears the upper floors, we'll figure it out."

He nodded and rushed toward the elevators, and squeezed in alongside the EMTs and the gurney.

Before the doors closed, he called out. "There's another unit outside. Get them to help."

The doors shut and he backed up against the wall so he had something solid behind him.

Vega spoke and Jacob would have drawn back in shock if he wasn't already up against the wall. He'd never heard the man say a word before.

"I think you got to her in time, Detective."

Jacob hoped he was right. He couldn't begin to think about what it would mean if he hadn’t.

* * *

Molly woke surrounded by white. For a moment, she thought she was dead. A few moments later, she reconsidered.

Did the afterlife have sound dampening tiles?

She sighed. With her luck, it did.

Shifting, she felt the cool sheets around her body and sat up. Well, she tried to sit up and that's when she felt something tug her arm back. Molly tried to move the sheets away, but she just tangled herself up even more.

The soft beeps in the background and the fluorescent lights in the hallway brought her mind into focus. She was in the hospital.


"Looks like you're up."

Molly turned toward the doorway and saw a woman silhouetted by the lights in the hallway. As she moved forward, Molly saw her dark hair and her easy smile.