Page 8 of Safe With You


"Perpetrators escaped down the South stairway. Two men. Dressed in black. Bastards."


How long does it take to get to thirty?

And where the hell are those paramedics?


He moved over so one knee was near her ear and the other just lower than her shoulder. He tipped her head back to open her airway and hated how cool she felt against his fingertips.

"Two units have arrived on property, Detective. I've given them your description. One unit will search the parking lot, the other will go through the building and clear it."

He drew in a breath as he leaned over and covered her mouth with his while he pinched her nose closed.


Jacob watched out of the side of his eye as her chest rose.

He broke away to breathe in another breath and leaned over to transfer the air into her lungs.

If wishes were horses... Shit. He'd never had horses, but he'd do anything to get her breathing on her own. If that meant buying a shit-ton of horses, he'd do it. He'd even clean out their damn stalls.

When he drew back she didn't start breathing on her own.

Panicked and trying desperately not to show it, he laced his fingers together and started compressions again.


The elevator doors cranked open and he heard the wheels of the gurney catch on the stone tiled floor.


"Faint pulse, neck and wrist. No br- breaths. I've been-"

Harmony Morgan, one of the EMTs from House Twenty-Nine, knelt down on the other side of Molly. "You're doing great. Can you keep going for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you need."


Her partner, Vega, set the med kit down beside Jacob. "Excuse me, Detective."

Shit. Jacob moved a little lower, still keeping up his compressions.

Harmony took her hand away from Molly's neck and offered him a wan smile. "She has a pulse, but no breath sounds."

She shifted her gaze to Vega. "We need to intubate."

Jacob's heart clenched tight in his chest.

Harmony looked at him. "We're going to get her ready to transport to Cole Medical."

He wanted to say something to her, but as Vega handed her the laryngoscope to intubate Molly, he shot to his feet.

Jacob couldn't watch it happen. He trusted Harmony and Vega to take care of her. He'd seen them handle gunshot victims and people injured in horrifying traffic accidents.