Page 68 of Safe With You

"Really," he leaned in and gave her a kiss that landed unerringly on her lips, "because I want to come home to you. And I want you to come home to me every day."

"And every night," she whispered back to him before she placed a kiss on his lips. "I like the sound of that."

"Good." He dropped his arms to hold her tight against him again. "Because I was going to find a way to talk you into it if you said no."

"I doubt I'd ever say no to you, Jacob. Ever."

"Well," he grinned, "that sounds good to me, too." He drew her tight against his body and kissed her until she began to melt.

Somewhere in the darkness he heard Walker curse.

"Damn it, J! Come on, man. I don't need to hear that!"

They broke apart and he felt Molly's almost silent laughter against his neck.

Yeah. He was happy. In love. And it was only going to get better from there, especially when he had her in his arms.


Molly was awake before Jacob climbed into bed behind her.

Her mind had been tumbling over and over the whole night, well, except when Jacob was making love to her.

She thought about everything that they'd found out after officers from the CCPD swarmed into the records office.

The two men who'd come after her were working for Declan Ferguson. Thank goodness he wasn't related to her, but it was a strange and random happenstance. He was trying to build his criminal 'empire' in the shadows of Center City, but now he was going to be arrested and hopefully brought to justice.

Her boss had been caught when Irish had followed the cell phone signal to her throw away phone which she'd hadn't dumped as fast as she should have. It turned out that her work ethic and criminal ethic were almost the same. She put it off when she should have done it straight away.

Secretly, Molly hoped that when the dust settled that they'd promote someone like Barbara into the role. Barbara knew the office inside and out and really cared about the people who worked with her.

If that happened, Molly would be happy to follow any rules that Barbara set down.

Strangely, her world which had turned upside down was back to being right side up. Sort of.

She still couldn't remember what happened on that night, or the interview that she'd transcribed. For the first part, it might have been better, she didn't want to remember what it was like to nearly die of strangulation.

But she knew she'd ended up where she'd belonged.

With Jacob.

She felt him cuddle up close and wrap his arm protectively around her and press a kiss to her bare shoulder.

"You, okay?"

Molly swore she felt him smile against her skin.

"Yeah," he sighed, "I'm okay."

She laughed softly as he managed to pull her even closer. "Where did you go?"

"I walked around the apartment," he confessed, "making sure the doors were locked and the windows... Well, making sure that the windows were sealed shut."

Molly wiggled around until she could lay her ear against his chest and heard the fierce beating of his heart in his chest. "Were you worried?"

She heard his harsh exhale as she was tucked up against him.

"I think it's a little bit of disbelief rather than worry," he explained. "I have you here with me and part of me still thinks about all the horrible things that had to happen to bring us here together."