Page 56 of Safe With You

"And the bad, especially the bad guys so we can kick their asses," Valerie interjected."

"Right," Kate's snort of laughter had them all smiling. "We'll let the press know that while one of our employees had received minor injuries during a chemical fire at the records building, she's rested and eager to get back to work."

"And," Valerie nudged Kate with her expectant tone, "while the transcription file was lost, the voice file was found on a digital drive that escaped the chemical burn and-"

* * *

"While this dedicated employee has been offered a week off to recover," Valerie looked out at the crowd of reporters with her normal charismatic grin, "she's tough as nails and will head right back to work."

Molly watched the press conference on the television in the bullpen of Precinct Four. The reporters seemed to be hanging on every word that Valerie spoke.

"It's so weird to know that she's talking about me."

Officer Crois St. Cyr shrugged. "I don't think people know there is a Records Department. Folks in Center City are learning something today."

Officer Josephine "Joe" Swan stood and buckled her duty belt on. "Well, I won't say it's got a beat as good as Schoolhouse Rock, but no one can beat Schoolhouse Rock."

Kate, standing beside the television stand, turned to look at them. "I think Weird Al could give them a run for their money."

Josephine nodded thoughtfully. "I guess so, but what can we learn from 'Tacky' or 'Amish Paradise?'"

Crois turned around on his chair and looked at the other officer. "Word Crimes. I learned a few things from that video."

"Not that he'd ever admit not knowing it." Pilar grinned at her partner.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Crois rocked the chair onto its back legs. "Nope. I'd take the fifth on that." He winked at his partner. "I'll bet you think there's an X in espresso."

Pilar raised an eyebrow at him. "There is when you say it like that, but no, Spelling Champ of Precinct Four, there is no X in 'espresso.'" The beautiful woman looked at Molly. "He orders it at Starbucks, but he couldn't spell it to save his life."

"Well, if the baristas at the Siren still can't spell my name right, I have a reason to turn it right back around on them."

Pilar gave his shoulder a nudge. "Well, come on, whiner. We've got to get on the streets."

As the officers made their way to the staircase, Molly listened to the rest of the press conference.

A reporter asked a question. Someone from a local radio station. "Of the records that were lost, are any of them about any high-profile cases?"

Molly drew in a breath and waited for the answer.

"Thanks for the question, Mark, but you know that I'm not going to comment on any current investigations, as that's not my responsibility."

A quick flash of red hair had Molly standing up to watch.

Kate leaned toward the open doorway to the detective offices and gave a sharp whistle.

It was only a moment before Detective Walker Ashley pushed into the room and sat down in one of the many empty chairs. "I was hoping I wasn't going to miss this."

"You were supposed to be here before the press conference started." Kate's tone had an edge to it, but she was smiling from ear to ear at her brother's sour comment.

Reporter Kennedy Heart from WCCN Channel 12 managed to work her way to the front. "District Attorney Wielding, sources inside the Center City Police Department say that the records that were destroyed might be salvageable."

The District Attorney leaned against the podium and nailed Kennedy with a look. "Who said that?"

"Now you know I can't reveal my sources."

"Then I have nothing to say."

Valerie started to gather her things from the podium's surface, but Kennedy pressed on. "So you're not going to confirm that the records that were destroyed are connected to Eddie Simons' recent death?"