Page 51 of Safe With You

"Well," he grinned even though she couldn't see his smile, "I should admit that I don't like to have anything between us. That I don't want anything between us."

Jacob leaned closer and pressed a kiss at the center of her forehead.

"Secrets definitely. I want you to feel like you can tell me anything."

"No secrets." She nodded her head slightly and that brushed her skin against his lips. "Definitely."

"And I'd like to have nothing between you and me... physically."

Her eyelids fluttered open and he couldn't mistake the heat in her eyes. It was plain to see and perhaps amplified by the reflection of his own hungry gaze in the dark centers of her eyes.

"Wait," she licked at her lips, but the simple and likely unconscious gesture only stoked the flames inside of him, "the DA had more to say about this."

Jacob's eyebrows lifted slightly, in concern or curiosity, he didn't really know. Maybe just surprise.

"About us?"

Her cheeks flushed hot and she was close enough that he swore he felt the heat rolling off of her skin. "No. About the murder case, she-"

Jacob leaned in and kissed her, sealing his lips against hers.

He felt her still for a moment before she tilted her head slightly to the side to ease the tension between their lips, but also freed her lips to part beneath his.

Jacob leaned back and smiled at the length of time it took for her eyes to open under his searching gaze. He also enjoyed the slight part of her lips, as if she was waiting for him to kiss her again.

"Molly," his voice purred out of his throat and the pulse in her throat jumped in response, "we can talk about murder after I've made love to you."

The hazy look in her eyes sharpened, and even though she looked a little confused, her voice was strong and steady. "If you're going to make love to me, I don't think I'm going to want to talk about..." Her eyelids lowered and her tongue teased itself across her top lip and then her bottom. "What were we just about to do?"

Jacob once overheard Kate talking to Josephine in the break room at the precinct. He'd thankfully remembered that he'd bought a sandwich on the way into work and was about to step into the room to have it for lunch when he'd heard the two women talking about things more personal than CCPD business.

He didn't really know Joe's boyfriend, Jon Lee from the firehouse, but what she said wasn't so much about him as it was what happened between them.

"It's like one minute we've got the whole world on our shoulders and everything is going crazy, but he'll give me this look, or I'll touch him in some kind of way and we go from fully dressed to..."

"The complete opposite." Kate had finished for her making both of them laugh quietly to themselves.

And now?

Now he understood Joe's words.

One moment she had her hands burning a hole through his shirt and suddenly that shirt was gone.

And his hands? Well, they were cupped around the sweetest ass he'd ever held and the last one he'd ever touch like this.

Shit, he had her sitting on the dining table with what felt like her panties caught around her ankle, rubbing against his calf.

"I've imagined taking you on this table," he lowered his gaze to meet hers and saw her smile up at him.

"I'd like to try that some time."

His dick jumped at those words, and her gaze dropped down between them.

"But right now," she bit into her bottom lip, "I just want to feel you inside me."

Jacob picked her up off of the table and pulled her against him. He groaned as all of her slick heat rubbed up against him. He swore if they were any more hungry for each other, they'd sizzle.

"Let's get you somewhere soft, comfortable."