Page 35 of Safe With You

Molly lowered her head and nodded.

"Also," he continued, "you can practice on me anytime."

Molly gasped in a small breath and braced as the world around her suddenly felt like she was underwater.

At first she heard nothing, but then she heard his voice echoing in her head as if the sounds had to move through air that was thick and heavy.

“You can practice on me anytime.”

He said that before.

When did he say that?

Molly squeezed her eyes shut and wracked her brain for a connection.

For someone who remembered sounds at the speed of light, this change... this struggle... was frustrating at the very least.

And a true pain in her head.

Her thought came out as a fevered whisper. “Come on… Come on…”

Her words echoed in the void where her memories should be.

Is that where she'd heard his words?

Was that part of what was missing?


She heard him saying her name, but she was struggling to breathe.

"Molly, is something wrong?"

She flinched as if someone was about to strike her and then she slipped out of her chair and collapsed.


His heart stopped like a car engine hit by a train.

When Molly fell from the chair, he dove for the ground and barely got his hand under her head so she didn't hit it against the hard floor.


Her eyes were closed, and she was unconscious, but he could see her eyes moving quickly behind her eyelids. Back and forth, left and right, as if she was looking at something in front of her.

Working himself up onto his knees, he cradled her head in his hands. "Mol? Come on, sweetheart. You're scaring me."

Jacob turned his head, looking for his phone. He was afraid he was going to have to call 911 if she didn't open her eyes soon.

He'd left his phone on the kitchen counter and he didn't want to let go of her head in case she ended up having a seizure or something. He didn't know a damn thing about medicine or head injuries besides the knocks to the head that he'd taken during his life.

"Come on, Mol. God, I wish I knew what you were going to say before you-"

"I shouldn't have said anything."

"No. No, Molly."

"I'm glad you did."