Page 25 of Inescapable Gravity

He nodded. “But the lack of quality of the instrument did nothing to hide your talent. I heard the soul of the musician, not the instrument, and knew that you were destined to play a true treasure and delight audiences around the world.”

Heather blinked back the tears that gathered on her lashes, threatening to fall down into the lace. “You took a chance on me back then, especially when I kept trying to hide myself from you.”

His smile changed again.

Actually, it dimmed as his shoulders rose and fell.

“We all hide ourselves to some degree, my dear. I attend functions and shake hands with any number of people, but I only let a few people see who I really am.

“The towers where I have my offices? The fancy waiting rooms that people have to venture through to get to me? Those are my masks in a way. I won’t deny you the ways in which you protect yourself.”

When he put it like that, she felt a strange longing to show him her face, but her instinct was to hold back.

The conflict gnawed at her belly.

"If you want to see my face," she lifted a hand to reach for a ribbon, "I can show you."

"No. No, it's all right, my dear. Someday, if you truly feel comfortable doing it. Until then… Are you ready for tonight's performance?"

That brought a real smile to her lips. "Yes, sir. I am."

"What do you think of the venue, my dear?"

She felt the energy relax between them and she smiled, truly smiled. "It's even more lovely than the pictures you sent me." She went on to tell him about the practice she'd done the day before, ending with a reassurance. "The way that the machines change the sounds of the music makes everything feel more alive."

"Everything," he wondered. "Does that include you, too?"

She nodded and felt the mask slip a bit.

With a quick hand, she held it in place. "It does. I'm happier than I've been in... years."

"There's something about him, isn't there?"

She held herself still.

"Marius Goodard.” He said the name slowly as if he was watching her reaction to each syllable. “I think the two of you knew each other."

Heather lowered her chin an inch or two. "Yes. We knew each other when I was younger."

"Funny." His voice was a bit strained in his throat. "I never came across his name in your background."

Her chin lifted so she could meet his gaze. "You looked into my background before." She'd known that. "We were both young then. I doubt they would have considered him to be a threat or worth looking into."

"Things change, my dear. What seems simple and commonplace at one time, can mean the world later. Like a young woman who you meet who makes you decide that having glaucoma surgery was better than sulking and waiting to go blind. You change people’s lives. I’m sure you’ll do the same tonight for many in the audience."

His smile broadened.

“Tonight, they’ll hear the beauty of your music and they’ll be better for it.”

The door behind him opened and they both turned to look at the person stepping in from the hall.


"Well, now that your well-armed shadow is here, I can go and claim my seat."

"That’s a good idea, sir. I have to get Nix to the backstage area. The stage manager sent me down to call five-minutes to curtain."

Heather reached out and put her hand in Marius'. "Thank you. I was losing track of my time."