“That means a lot to me. Thank you.”

“No thanks required, Evan. You’re my son. I’d do anything for you.”

I had to swallow against the lump in my throat, standing before I was overcome with emotion. “I need to go find Mariah and let her know.”

“Of course.” Sebastian gave an encouraging smile.

I nodded in return, then left the office and headed downstairs. I found Mariah in Sofia's bedroom across the hall, putting her down for her afternoon nap.

Mariah looked up at me when I stepped into the room and her eyes lit up. She was bent over the crib, and gestured for me to come closer as she tucked Sofia in, brushing a kiss on her forehead.

Sofia's eyes were sleepy, blinking slowly as I leaned down to kiss her as well. Then she drifted off. I took Mariah's hand and led her across the hall to our room.

"I heard back from Caterina."

Her eyes widened. "What did she say?"

"She wants to meet you as soon as possible. She's very interested." I couldn't help the growl in my chest, but I took a breath and continued in spite of it. "We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning. Sebastian's got the jet ready for us."

Mariah's face lit up, a picture of triumph. "Really? That's great news. When do we meet with her?"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "We should be in New York by lunchtime." I paused for a moment. "But I'm sure you'd like to spend some time with Analise while we're there. I scheduled the meeting for the day after tomorrow to give you two time to catch up."

Mariah threw her arms around me and beamed. "Evan, that's perfect. Thank you. I know we won't be home for long, and I'd love to see her while we're there."

I pressed a soft kiss to her lips before pulling back slightly and looking into her eyes, only to find a hint of worry in their depths.

"What is it, Mariah?" Was she having second thoughts about going? I was immediately ready to call this off if so.

"I was just wondering if we'd have to leave Sofia behind again."

My arms tightened. "I think it’d be for the best. The clan lands are the safest place for her."

She nodded, but sounded forlorn, even heartbroken. "That makes sense. She's just growing so fast. It seems like every day she gets a little bigger. I hope we don't miss any big moments while we're gone."

I ran a hand through her hair and kissed her temple. "We won't miss anything. We'll be back in no time, and she'll still be the same sweet little girl when we get home." I paused. So much had happened in such a short amount of time since Sofia came into my life. If not for her, I never would’ve hired a nanny. Never met Mariah.

"It's really crazy how much our lives have changed in such a short time,” I said. "It's hard to believe just a few months ago I didn't even know you, and now here we are."

Mariah laughed softly. "I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me I'd be living with a dragon shifter who wants to claim me as his mate."

I chuckled and kissed her again as I sank down onto the bed, pulling her onto my lap. "I know this is all happening fast, but for dragons it's different. We don't take things as slowly as humans do when it comes to choosing a partner. When it's your mate… I don't know how to explain it other than…you just know."

As I looked back now, I could see how my initial draw to Mariah had been so much more than attraction. There was something about this woman that sucked me in, and on some level, I must’ve known how important she was. After all, I’d been perfectly happy as a perpetual bachelor until she walked into my life.

I cleared my throat, aware of just how overwhelming this might be. "I know getting into a relationship in the first place was a big deal. The last thing I want is for you to feel like I’m forcing you into anything with me.”

Mariah blinked up at me, her mouth parting slightly, but I pressed on, knowing this was something I needed to say. She was still so new to all of this, to my world, and I could tell she wasn't sure what to make of my words.

"I mean it. If you're not ready for this yet or if you need more time to adjust, then there's no rush here," I said, stroking her hair. "I've put off discussing our relationship further while we deal with the Hawthornes. But if I'm putting too much pressure on you—"

Mariah shook her head adamantly, cutting me off by pressing a hard kiss to my lips. "No, it's not that at all," she said as she pulled back. “Yes, it's a lot to take in. There's a lot I'm still learning. But despite it all, I feel like this is exactly where I'm meant to be. I’m learning about what it means to be your mate, but I’m not afraid, Evan. I want to be with you.”

I was flooded with relief as I pulled her closer, my chest swelling with emotion, feeling so full I thought I might burst with how much I loved this woman. I grabbed her hips, readjusting her on my lap as I stared into her eyes. "You have no idea how happy that makes me."

She bit her lip. "Well, you could always show me."

Hot need ignited at her words, fire racing through my veins as my dragon roared in my mind. I dug my fingers into her hips and smiled wickedly, then flipped Mariah over onto her back on the bed. She gasped in surprise, and when I looked down I saw desire shining in her eyes. That gasp quickly turned to a moan when I settled myself between her legs, grinding my already hard cock against her.