When we called Mason with updates, he and Evan argued over just how much we could trust Jax. Evan had suggested he was setting us up, wondering if the lack of security for Rosalind was a ruse on the Hawthornes’ part to lure us in. More likely, Tomas just cared that little for his daughter, and she wanted the privacy. It would line up with what we’d seen from him so far. It was heartbreaking, but maybe it’d help us convince Rosalind to stop giving into his demands.

“We’re the ones that reached out to Jax about this, remember? Not the other way around.” No matter how much I tried to assure him Jax was on our side, Evan wasn’t convinced.

He lowered his head again, his lips hovering over mine. “You can’t blame me for wanting to prepare for anything. I refuse to put you in harm’s way again.”

I smiled softly, resting a hand on his cheek. “No, I suppose I can’t.” That fierce protectiveness did set my mind at ease, knowing this was different from Tomas getting hold of me in New York. This time, Evan would be right there, waiting to keep me safe.

He kissed me slowly, deeply, finally pulling away with a groan. “As much as I’d love to stay here in bed, we have to get moving if we want to make it to Miami on time.” His eyes gleamed as he stood up and grinned. “To be continued.”

We quickly got ready, rehashing the plan as we dressed. Mason was flying in from New York and would meet us at the hotel in Miami where Rosalind was staying. He and Evan were checking out Miami properties to expand their nightclub franchise earlier this year and would do so again while we were in town. It served as a perfect excuse for being in the city.

“Ready?” Evan said a few minutes later, standing in the doorway holding both of our carry-on bags.

I nodded, my stomach jumping with a mixture of nerves and anticipation, following him out and closing the door behind us. Muffled conversation and rustling noises drifted up to where we stood on the second-floor landing. When Evan and I descended the staircase, we found Sebastian and Abi in the living room in their robes, huddled close as Abi cradled Sofia in her arms. She smiled when we entered, full of warmth and affection, as always.

“There you are,” Abi said softly as Evan set our bags by the door. “I thought you might want to see Sofia before slipping away.”

We’d let them in on our plans last night. Sebastian arranged to have his private jet ready, and Abi jumped at the opportunity to look after Sofia while we were gone. As if she were right where she wanted to be, Sofia let out a groggy but contented coo.

I could feel the hesitation in Evan’s grip when he took my hand. I gave it a reassuring squeeze and caught his gaze. This would be the first time he’d been away from Sofia overnight since he’d discovered her on his doorstep. It wasn’t a long trip, but I understood his anxiety, and I felt it myself.

Sofia was the closest thing I had to a child of my own, and I loved her fiercely. My maternal instincts were kicking in hard, and somehow leaving her felt so wrong. She’d be in expert hands, but that didn’t make it any easier. I gave Evan an understanding smile.

Abi stepped toward us on seeing his hesitation. “Don’t worry about a thing, Evan. Sebastian and I have this covered. We’re more than capable of taking care of our granddaughter for the weekend.”

The words hung in the air, and I saw in the depths of Evan’s eyes a reflection of the impact her words made. While she’d referred to Sofia as her granddaughter before, there was something about this moment, about leaving our little girl behind under the care of her grandparents, that really solidified how much had changed.

Evan wasn’t on his own anymore. We weren’t even just a little family unit of three. We were a part of something bigger, and a real family stood behind, supporting us. It was something I’d never truly had before, and I had to swallow the lump in my throat.

Sebastian broke the stillness that’d descended as his hand came to Evan’s shoulder. “I know you’re still coming to terms with the truth, Evan.” His voice was strong yet gentle, firm yet kind, much like the man himself. “But never forget we're your family. We love you. We love Sofia, and we’re here for you, son. No matter what.”

The weight of the moment took my breath away. Sebastian’s words stirred a well of emotions in me that also flickered across Evan’s face. He was still adjusting, but this would also take some time. I squeezed his hand in a gesture of support, and his grip tightened, his thumb brushing over my knuckles in a gentle caress. It was a silent thank you. An affirmation of our connection.

Clapping Evan on the back, Sebastian stepped back. “Sofia’s in excellent hands,” he said with a nod.

“Dada,” Sofia cooed.

Evan went to her, taking her in his arms and holding her close, whispering into her ear how much he loved her, and how much fun she’d have with her grandparents while we were gone.

Then he handed her to me, and I had to blink back tears. “Bye for now, sweet girl.” I hated the idea of being separated from her as well, but I forced a smile. We wouldn’t be gone for long, and I wanted to remain strong for her and for Evan. “We’ll see you soon.”

I pressed a kiss to her squishy cheek, then handed her back to Abi. Neither Evan nor I could tear our gazes from her as we said our goodbyes and walked out the door into a morning still devoid of sun.

We glanced at each other as determination settled over Evan’s features. It was time to act. Time to put things in motion and hopefully change the mind of a woman who, until now, had been our enemy.

* * *

As the plane descended into Miami, I was immediately struck by the vibrant panorama of azure water stretching toward the crisp white sands, palm trees swaying in the ocean breeze. The skyline of high-rise buildings gleamed in the bright Florida sun. This was my first time in Florida, and the beauty of Miami was nothing short of awe-inspiring. I was used to living in a bustling city by the sea, yet everything here looked so different from New York, so tropical. Excitement thrummed through me at the possibility of exploring this new place after confronting Rosalind. Maybe we’d accomplish our business quickly and could take a little time for ourselves.

However, when we stepped out of the cool, air-conditioned jet, I was hit by a wall of heat.

“Wow,” I exclaimed as it seeped through my clothes, pressing down on me, the sun burning brighter here somehow. “Are there two suns in Miami or what?”

Evan chuckled. “Welcome to Florida.” He grinned, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

A sleek, black private car was already waiting for us by the curb, the chauffeur holding a sign that read Guerrero. He opened the back door as we approached, taking our bags from us and loading them into the trunk. Once we’d settled into the plush black leather seats, Evan pulled out his phone to double check the latest text from Jax. He’d sent it just as we were boarding the jet to Miami. Somehow, he’d managed to hack into Rosalind’s account and found her schedule.

“It’s too easy,” Evan muttered, wariness radiating from him in waves.