Page 78 of Desiring You

Thinking back to the ritual I had for taping my stick, I felt her little muscles spasm and send her into a massive orgasm. As she cursed and called my name, I had to keep it together. She was coming one more time if it killed us.

Grabbing her hands, I thrust them over her head, clamping her wrists so she couldn’t move them. Her eyes widened, but she said nothing.

My chest heaved with the need for release. “You’re coming one more fucking time, you hear me?”

With her nod, I pumped into her with everything I had, varying speeds and angles, getting us so ramped up I could barely keep it together. My climax was right there for the taking.

“Oh, God, Chief. Holy shit!”

I growled. “It’s time, Raven. I’m coming with you.”

Her little muscles responded instantly to my words, giving me every indication this was going to be epic.

Her chants encouraged me, her pussy was dripping, and her tits bounced toward my face. And she was fucking gorgeous. Stuffing her nipple in my mouth and growling, I heard her detonate and I couldn’t hold back another fucking second. With a roar, I exploded, damn near blacking out I came so hard. Spurt after spurt, I came until I was empty and collapsed on top of her.

Our puffs and pants were the only sounds as we rested together. When I felt her nails gently scrape my scalp, I let out a contented sigh.

“You always did like this,” she said wistfully.

I lifted my head a little. “I liked your touch.”

Her weak smile gave me a bad feeling. “This isn’t going to change anything, right?”

I narrowed my eyes. “A few things are going to fucking change.”

She bit her swollen lower lip. “Like what?”

I helped her lower her legs and rested in the cradle of her body. “Well, first, it means I get to touch you whenever I want.”

She snorted. “Like hell it does.”

I shook my head. “You took my cock, so now I get to touch you wherever I want whenever I want.”

She leaned up, grimaced, then sunk to the pillows again. “Ransom.”

I huffed. “Nope, no going back. I love touching you too much to stop now.”

She glared at me, then her gaze softened. “Why? Why do you need to touch my fat rolls?”

I scowled. “Because I love your body. I love every curve. I love that you’re sturdy enough that I can throw you around and slam into your tight pussy.”

As I spoke, her eyes glazed over and she shivered under me.

Tearing off the condom, I tossed it into the trash next to the bed and returned my full attention to her body. She was going to accept my touch. I was going to make damn sure of it.

With a low chuckle, I lowered my head to suck on her nipple. She threw her head back groaning, but she sure as hell wasn’t pushing me away. So, while she enjoyed that sensation, I let my hand drift to her belly again. Reverently, I felt her soft skin under my calloused fingertips and my cock bobbed against her thigh.

With a renewed desire, I held her other breast up to my lips, nipping and licking it lightly and driving her crazy. She was so worked up she didn’t notice when I used my finger to flick at her nipple and kissed the middle of her belly instead. This time when her hips bucked up, it was showing her desire, not pushing me away. My heart surged and my cock swelled. I kissed my way down her body until I got to her boots. We had our fun with them and now it was time to reveal those red toenails.

Looking down at me while I worked, Phoebe nibbled at a fingernail. “Any other rules I should know about?”

I raised my eyebrow. “You know these are bedroom rules, right? I won’t be finger-fucking you while we’re out to dinner unless you ask me to.”

She giggled. “Yeah, I know. I think your fingers are too skilled for public consumption. But I like when you take charge here and take the thinking out of it.”

I unzipped one boot and ran it down her legs slowly. “Oh, that’s definitely a rule. No thinking.”

She shivered and ran a hand down her chest between her breasts. “What else?”