Page 43 of Desiring You

I stayed by the island out of the way starting a pot of coffee.

Ransom continued pacing. “I left him in charge to handle the day-to-day operations. He knows that. Everyone knows that. I’m available for consultation anytime but afternoons to midnight on game days.”

I huffed. “Don’t forget morning skate those days, then your rituals before you even get to the rink.”

Ransom whirled around to glare at me.

I lifted a shoulder. “What? It’s true. Game days you may have an hour or two, but you’re preoccupied. You have to get ready to get the shit beat out of you.”

Dominic huffed. “Everyone knows not to bother you on game days. You’re grumpy as shit on a good day, worse on game days.”

Ransom threw up his arms. “What do you want me to say? I have two careers. I’m managing them as best I can!”

“Why can’t you just call Jamarion?” I asked, adding water to the coffee maker. “Talk it out. Don’t you call him once a week or something?”

Ransom grumbled. “Haven’t talked to him in a while. We keep missing each other’s calls.”

Dominic stood and moved closer. “How long?”

Ransom grunted.

I winced. If he wouldn’t say, then it’s been a long fucking time. “Ransom!”

He whirled around to face me. “What?”

Dominic whacked his arm. “You see what I have to put up with, sassy pants? All this bullshit from him. Then when it comes down to needing him to come back for one measly trip back to Seattle, he won’t go.”

Ransom crossed to the fresh coffee and pulled the pot getting ready to pour. “I’ve got a game there next month. I’ll just stop in, try to catch him in person.”

I snatched the coffee pot from his hand, burning myself in the process. “Shit! Ow! You’re going to go talk about this before a game? Are you really telling me you can fly me here on the company plane, but you can’t take it to fly into Seattle on a day off this month?”

With his infamous grunt, it was clear the subject was closed. I shrugged at Dominic.

He held his hands up in surrender. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

With an exhausted sigh, Dominic flopped back on the sofa in defeat.

“I can fly commercial back to New York,” I offered. “I can afford it, you know. You take the plane to Seattle instead.”

Ransom chugged some coffee. “Can’t. I have a game.”

I nodded slowly in understanding. He refused to make time for something he didn’t believe was a problem.

I tipped my chin to him. “Game tonight, too.” I headed to work in the bedroom, then threw over my shoulder. “Don’t worry about me. Dom and I’ll find a ride.”



After the game, I collapsed onto the bench outside my locker.

“Ten minutes in the penalty box in one game?” Hank sneered in the locker room. “Working something out there, big fella?”

I didn’t want to fucking talk about it.

Ilya clapped me on the shoulder. “He’s just showing off for his brother. How is Dom these days?”

I huffed. “Having the time of his life.”