Page 14 of Desiring You

She fluttered her lashes at me. “I don’t have a car, so will you either take me or let me borrow your truck tomorrow to go to the bacon place? I figure I could always stick my head out the window and just follow my nose if I didn’t know the way.” She smiled prettily with big pleading hazel eyes, her hand grabbing onto my thigh when she was losing her balance.

I cleared my throat, sensations flooding me. “Ah, yeah, course I’ll take you.”

Her smile widened as she pushed up using my thigh to help her. “Good!” On and on she rambled, but I missed the next bit of it by simply admiring her in her sweatshirt dress, her long creamy legs showing and her black hair hanging down her back. I leaned forward to hide my throbbing cock as she continued to lick her bacon-y fingers for every last drop of flavor.

When I thought I’d calmed down enough to walk without embarrassing myself, I stood and cleared my trash from dinner. “Want a tour?”

She was drying her hand on a towel when she smirked and tossed it on the counter. “Either that or I’ll just poke around on my own.”

“Help yourself,” I said, deciding to follow her around instead. The view would be better anyway.

She flashed me a wicked grin. “Do I need to watch out for a porn collection somewhere?”

Who the fuck needed porn? When I needed something, I just remembered our phone calls together when she tried on a dress for me or the way her hair blew in the breeze at the beach when we were in high school.

She huffed. “I guess it’s all online porn for you.”

I grabbed her arm and spun her around. “Look, I don’t need that shit.”

Her eyes widened, her plump lips parted. “Oh.” She gave me a wink. “Good to know.”

I licked my lips again. God, I wanted her. But I released her so she could continue her journey. From room to room, she let her hand glide across the furniture, whether it was a sofa, a chair, or a bed. Those red fingertips. I wanted them on me. Heating me up.

Biting my lip as she crawled on my bed, I held onto the tall bedpost to stop myself from reaching out to her. “You want this one?”

She sprawled out on the comforter. “It’s so cozy.”

I nodded, hiding my arousal behind the bedpost. “Then it’s yours.”

She rolled off the other side and touched the furniture on the way to the bathroom. “Oh, and it has its own bathroom. Wait, isn’t it yours?”

I nodded. Moving closer to the doorway, I tested myself to make sure I could be next to her without giving into what I wanted so much it hurt. “Don’t care. You can have it.” Or we could share.

Watching her fingertips graze the white and grey-veined marble countertop, I saw a little smirk tug at her lips. “This is really nice, Ransom.” She fingered the towel hanging next to the shower. The towel that touched my skin only a few hours ago.

When she turned to face me, something sizzled between us. I leaned hard on the doorway, partly to support my weight and partly to hold myself back.

She furrowed her brow and moved until she was right in front of me. “You okay?” As her hand connected with my chest, I felt her heat burst through my t-shirt and my heart jumped.

I covered her hand on my chest with mine and focused on her. “What happened to you, Raven? Why didn’t you sleep last night?”

She lowered her gaze. “He broke up with me.”

A fire blazed in my belly. “Who?”

Her eyes flicked up to mine, her hand never leaving my chest. She closed her eyes for a second, a tear escaping down her flushed cheek. “I’m not sure. I wasn’t seeing anyone.”

My chest heaved as adrenaline flooded my system and had nowhere to go. “What?”

What seemed like a huff of laughter soon turned into a sob. “I’m so unlovable, someone came to my door and broke up with me.”

I felt a rumble in my chest. “What the fuck?”

Her teary eyes met mine. “Guess I looked enough like the girl he was seeing that he didn’t realize he had the wrong place until he looked up from the floor and he saw I had the wrong face.”

I was so fucking confused. “A man came to your door last night and when you opened it, he didn’t look at you?”

She shook her head. “No, he stared at the flowers he brought, then held them out to me, then said it was him, not me. That he had to break up with me even though he didn’t even try to get to know me.”