Page 113 of Desiring You

Dominic stood. “In an effort to bring control back to the people who know how to run this company, someone needs to be here full-time to keep an eye on operations. I can stay in Seattle and Ransom would be hired as a consultant. He would be paid for his work consulting with the company with an hourly rate if I took over as CEO.”

Jamarion rose. “And what makes you think you can just take over?”

I stepped toward Jamarion. “Thanks for reminding me about you, Jamarion. You’re fired as of today for conspiring to sell the proprietary information of this company, for forging my name on documents I would never have signed, and for undermining me with the staff these past several months to stage a hostile takeover. Go clean out your desk with the security officer waiting for you outside. Leave all proprietary documents and e-files. Your access to this building and our servers is hereby revoked.”

Jamarion stood and strode out in a huff. The security officer grabbed his arm and escorted him down the hall to his office.

Mary was in shock but didn’t protest.

As Murial sat back in her chair, she steepled her fingers thinking and processing. “Where is Martin?”

“In handcuffs,” Dominic supplied, peering up from his phone. “Just got word he was caught signing a document in Ransom’s name. Forgery is a felony, you know.”

Muriel nodded. “Then I say we send Mr. Schilling a termination letter ending his association with Piercing Tides as quickly as possible.”

I glanced over to my assistant. “Dru already has it typed and ready. Whoever is elected Chairperson of the Board can sign it.”

Muriel looked over to Aunt Lori. “Who do you think we should choose Lori?”

Lori gave a shy smile. “I would be happy to take on those duties myself, Muriel. Unless the Board wants to nominate someone else and have a vote.”

Mary pressed a hand to her chest. “I’m not sure what just happened here, but I’m pretty sure I need to resign from the board. My son’s just been fired. All my savings are wrapped up in this place and I don’t want to create a conflict of interest. I’ll keep my stock and resign from the Board effective immediately.” Standing, she left the folder on the table. “Ransom, baby. I can’t begin to say how sorry I am about all of this. I didn’t know.”

I leaned over to give Mary a hug. “I gave him the benefit of the doubt last time, Mary, but you see why I had to do this.”

When I pulled back, I saw her lip quiver. “Never in my life did I think my son would sink to something this low.”

Dominic stepped forward and wrapped her in a hug. “His access to the building is revoked, but you can come by anytime. Especially if you have those lemon bars. We still love you, Mama Mary.”

She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Glad to hear it, baby.”

She made it to the door before she turned. “I know this is all very sudden, but I know these boys. Known them since they were in college and dreaming of saving the oceans. Let them restructure and they’ll get back on track. They’re good boys. They do good work. Don’t let my son and his misdeeds get in the way of making good decisions today and in the future.”

Then with a little head nod, she left.

I ceded the head of the conference table to Aunt Lori and leaned against a credenza at the side of the room.

Aunt Lori stood tall. “Okay, all in favor of nominating me as Chairperson of the Board of Piercing Tides, say ‘aye.’”

The ayes were unanimous.

“The aye’s have it,” she said looking over to Dru. “Now, all in favor of accepting Ransom Pierce’s nomination of Dominic Pierce as the new CEO, say aye.”

Unanimously, the room said, “Aye!”

Aunt Lori’s eyes teared up and her voice wobbled. “Then all those in favor of accepting Ransom Pierce’s resignation from the position as CEO of Piercing Tides, say aye.”

Everyone looked around the table at each other.

Muriel sat back and threaded her fingers over her stomach, staring at me. “No. There is no better CEO than you. However, we do need a new operations manager. I say we keep Ransom on as CEO and employ Dominic in the position of Operations Manager.”

Murmurs arose from everyone.

Aunt Lori reached out for me, so I went to her side. Shoring each other up, she spoke through her tears. “Then all in favor of retaining Ransom Pierce as CEO, say ‘aye.’”

It was unanimous. “Aye!”

“And all those in favor of promoting Dominic Pierce to Operations Manager, say ‘aye.’”