Page 89 of Desiring You

Grunting again, I rubbed at my beard. “Back to talking again.”

“That’s right, buckaroo,” Hank chuckled.

I tore my hand through my hair. “But she knows me. We’ve known each other for so long. Shouldn’t she just know that I wouldn’t look twice at a puck bunny?”

Calder cleared his throat.

I growled. “Now.”

Ilya chuckled. “We’ve all been there, Pierce. We’ve all seen how insecurities can rip up a good relationship. Our women have insecurities too. And it sounds like maybe you need to talk out yours too. You didn’t think Phoebe had a guy on the side, right?”

I glared at him. “Fuck, no!”

Chris clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Then what? You’ve said before she gets calls at strange hours from sources, right?”

I grunted. I knew I’d complained about that before.

Chris shook my shoulder a little. “What bothered you?”

I hated guy talk. “She was just gone.” I hated how I felt. I hated how I left things with her. And I hated that I wouldn’t be able to make it right until after practice.

As I looked over at the bench, Coach was calling us to come back from our water break.

Hank punched me on the shoulder. “Trust her, man. She ain’t gonna play you wrong. Not with the way she looks at you.”

My breath caught a second. “How does she look at me?”

Hank pivoted to skate backward and winked. “Like my girl looks at me.”

A few ideas popped into my head for an apology, so I had a pretty good idea of how to fix this, but for now, I had to concentrate. Molly was back since she was on winter break from school and we were about to have our asses handed to us. And I couldn’t fucking wait!

* * *

The locker room was filled with groaning men. But we weren’t in pain. Not physical pain anyway.

We all fought for Molly to be with us, but the reality of her mental brutality was still sinking in. Okay, so brutality was probably a strong word, but with that level of concentration to accomplish one task perfectly enough for her, it felt like torture.

“Why was she so adamant about getting that one piece of footwork?” Calder asked, stepping out of the showers in a towel.

I shook my head. “You know Molly. She has her reasons.”

By the time we filtered out of the locker room, the coaches were there to herd us to the conference room upstairs. The smell of bacon got us moving faster. When we stood in the doorway, Molly was there with a bright smile along with Kiley and Harmony.

Kiley smiled. “Come on in, guys, get some bacon!”

There were bacon-wrapped mini quiches, bacon and egg sandwiches, croissants filled with bacon, egg, and cheese, along with assorted juices, water, and coffee.

The other guys pounced on the food, but I held back. What was the catch? “Molls?”

Her sickly sweet smile told me my instincts were right. “Yes, Ransom?”

Crossing my arms, I kept a wide stance. “What is all this? You just pounded us to dust and now you’re hosting a brunch?”

She cackled. “It’s all part of my plan. It’s a good plan. Now eat!”

After we took our seats and ate for a few minutes, Molly stood in front of the doorway. “So, by now, the smartest of you are not only wondering what this is about, but also what Coach and I are up to.”

Nervous conversation arose among my teammates.