Page 81 of Desiring You

I snickered. “Don’t you need coffee?”

He grunted and pulled me closer. Guess he needed me more.

When he finally let me up, I cleaned up and put some clothes on while he went to start the coffee.

“Raven, you coming?”

Yep, he was still a grumpy bastard in the morning. Good to know some things would never change.

I padded out to the kitchen in a sweatshirt dress covered in skulls and roses that fell off my shoulders, only held together at all because of a ribbon. As I reached up to get the creamer from the refrigerator, I felt his eyes all over my ass. Nope, no panties. I grinned. “Plans for your day?”

He stalked up to me and growled pulling me closer. “I’m not leaving the house unless there’s a fire.”

I sniggered. “I don’t plan to leave either, but I should check my emails, do a few work things. Do you need to do the same?”

He lifted one shoulder.

When the coffee maker beeped, it was a chore to extricate myself from Ransom’s grasp. “Come on, now. Coffee.”

Reluctantly, he released his death grip on me but stayed connected with his hands on my hips as I faced away from him.

“Besides, you need to rehydrate,” I said, handing him his mug of coffee. “You won’t be any good to me if you don’t stay hydrated.”

With a few growly mutters, he dove into his coffee and didn’t emerge until most of it was gone. “Happy?”

I set my mug down and threw myself at him. “Ridiculously!”

His reflexes were lightning sharp as he released his mug to the counter and plucked me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and then his lips were back on mine. Right where they belonged.

At the feel of his dick jumping to attention between us, though, I pushed back. “Too soon. We both need a minute. I’m taking my coffee to the guest room to do some work. I’m locking the damn door.”

Grunting his displeasure, he held on tighter and nibbled at my neck. “You’re leaving the door open and I’ll come fuck you whenever I want.”

His words made my insides turn to molten lava. “Oh, sweet baby gherkin. I so love when you talk dirty.”

He groaned and kissed me with these open-mouthed, languid kisses where he tangled his tongue with mine and stole my breath. My heart jumped a few times, then was off to the races.

When he released my lips to kiss down my jaw to do this thing under my ear, I gasped and moaned.

He lowered his head, his nose nuzzling me as his lips found just where they wanted to be and bit down, sucking and feasting on my neck. I clutched his arm, leaning into his lips, my core spasming at the sensation.

As he released my neck, he let his lips brush the shell of my ear as he whispered, “Don’t be long.”

Oh, my damn.

Swallowing hard, I held onto him since my legs were too wobbly to stand. And he wasn’t letting go anyway. The rumble in his chest told me he was proud of himself. And he should be proud. Just clamping onto my neck almost brought me to climax again.

Letting out a long breath, I leaned back enough that he sat me on the counter, the cool stone making me hiss.

He grumbled, grumpy that he had to let me go, but he understood. Maybe. It was hard to say with that particular utterance. Some of them were clearer than others.

It was only when he released me from that intense gaze of his that I even knew my name. “Alrighty then. I’m going to get some more coffee. Then I’m going that way alone. You’re going to be in another room for at least two hours.”

He opened his mouth to gripe.

Picking up my coffee, I started for the guest room.

The strangled tone of his voice stopped me cold. “You won’t forget all about this in two hours, right?”