Page 8 of Desiring You

I chuckled. “Yes … yes, I did. Thus, needing a little time to cool off before I see Dwyer. What type of mood is he in anyway?”

She let out an unladylike snort. “His partner chose teal for the bathroom reno of their new vacation home in the Hamptons, so he’s on the warpath.”

I choked. “I’m giving it two years tops.”

She giggled, then her face sobered. “Did you hear?”

She was one of my sources. “Hear what?”

She took a few steps closer and checked under the stalls. Seeing they were empty, she leaned toward me whispering. “There was another one last night.”

I stopped fanning myself. “Who?”

Her eyes teared up a little. “Tatianna Urlensky. She just landed a big spread and was booked in five shoots next year before March. She was just starting to make it and then jumped out a window,” she said shaking her head, lowering her gaze to the counter. “She had such a bright future ahead of her. I just don’t understand why.”

I lowered my gaze. “I’m so sorry, Jez. Sounds like you knew her?”

She shrugged. “Not super well, but we met a couple times, here and at parties. We worked with her agent about her coming to do a spread here for something three months ago, but the magazine decided to go with a different look. You know how that goes.”

I nibbled at my lip and nodded. “So, she was fine three months ago when she had nothing, but with a contract for a spread in her pocket and more to come, she can’t handle the pressure and jumps? Does that make sense to you?”

She shook her delicate head and crossed her arms. “No,” she whispered. “That’s why I’m telling you. She was from a good family, wholesome upbringing, didn’t even drink champagne.”

I leaned back again. “If Tatianna had family, seems odd she didn’t just go to them if she was having a bad moment instead of jumping out of her window.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Well, that’s the thing. It wasn’t her window.”

I threw my hand to my chest. “Who’s window was it?”

She pressed her lips together, holding her breath. “Oh, I’m no good at keeping secrets. Sonia told me but it’s not in the papers yet. It was Harry Norman’s place.”

I gasped. “The billionaire?”

She nodded. “Cops are swarming the place. Harry claims he wasn’t even there when it happened.”

I fanned myself again. “But why would she have been there if he wasn’t?”

She rolled her eyes. “Men like Harry loan their place out to friends all the time. Someone probably had a party there. Harry may not have known about it, but he sure as hell is going to take the heat for it.”

I nodded. “No shit.” I fanned myself a couple more times. “Were you there?”

Jez shook her head. “Nope. And no one seems to know what happened. Everyone had left by the time the house staff found her body.”

Taking a step forward to pat her arm in comfort, Jezebel stepped back from me scrunching her face. Wouldn’t want to catch my fat cooties apparently. “Well, ah,” I said pulling back, “guess I’d better get out there and talk to Dwyer. I’m going out of town to stay with a friend for a bit. You can still reach me by email or phone if anything comes up. If you find out more about Tatianna or if there’s anyone else, I’d like to know.”

Jezebel gave me a curt nod and stepped into a stall. I opened the restroom door as she started gagging herself and retching. If only that was a less common occurrence in those restrooms. I cringed and left quickly.



Keeping my gaze focused on the polished tile, I passed through row after row of cubicles until I reached the back wall of executive offices. Outside Dwyer’s office sat Gigi, his executive assistant, the best gossip of all time and a friend.

As I strode to her desk, I gave a little finger wave. “Hey, G!”

“There you are!” she exclaimed. “Almost took your bag of lip gloss samples for myself.”

I gasped and snatched it from her two-finger clutch. “Hell, no. Those are mine!” I said snickering. “Girl, you don’t need any more. Your collection is hella crazy!”