Page 66 of Desiring You

She cleared her throat. “I’m on board, so I’ll get this back to my people. We’ll do the usual editing and proofing. Let’s exchange phone numbers, email addresses, and we’ll get the rest going.”

I felt like I was in a fever dream, but I did as she asked. Handing me her business card, she stood taking my article with her. “Email me the document in electronic format and we’ll get started.”

Holding out my hand to her outstretched hand, I shook it agreeing to everything. To be published. To have a byline in her electronic publications. To breaking a huge sports story. And maybe if I found more stories, I would even have a career with Clarke Communications someday.



When I agreed to come with Kiley into town, I had no idea I’d be sitting in the honky-tonk of a bar called Boots ‘N Buckles while sipping a cocktail in the middle of the afternoon. Maddy and I giggled while we watched the dancers grinding away up on stage in G-strings.

Kiley shielded her eyes. “Where are his pants? You said he would keep his pants on, Billy Bob!”

“Guess they didn’t wear pants in the first place,” Maddy supplied helpfully.

It was true; they only took off their shirts. But that was because they came out wearing vests, a Velcro bow tie, and buttless chaps. Those didn’t really count as pants, so when they ripped them off and a tiny G-string was all that was left, I thought Kiley was going to blow a gasket.

Billy Bob smiled. “Cherry said you were looking for a good show. Thought this was what you meant, doll.”

Holding her hand to shield her eyes from the gyrating men on stage, Kiley stood firm. “Billy Bob Franken. You stop them this second. I want the kind of dancers you had for my bachelorette party. Shirts off, pants on!”

Billy Bob held up a fist and the guys stopped.

“Aww,” Maddy and I said together.

Cherry tried next. “Come on, Ky. Pants are so binding. This gives them so much more freedom of movement, right?”

“Movement is what I’m worried about,” Kiley muttered. “This is for an anti-Valentine’s Day girls’ night fundraiser. I want to entertain them, not flash them.”

Billy Bob twirled his finger in the air and the guys started up dancing again. “Oh, nothing to worry about there, doll. Coverage is guaranteed or we’d be in a different price bracket. So, do we have a deal?”

Kiley dropped into a chair and held her head.

Maddy stood and shook Billy Bob’s hand. “Absolutely. They’ll do just fine.”

Cherry came around with a shot of whiskey for everyone.

When Kiley heard the music stop, she lifted her head cautiously. “Are they done?”

I snickered. “Yes. They are very good at their job. The girls at the fundraiser are going to love them!”

She sighed. “Maybe I’ll let Maddy handle this one.”

I purred. “Wow, that’s smooth.”

Cherry chuckled. “Yeah, I bring out the good stuff for Kiley. But what’s your deal, Maddy? Yain’t touched yours.”

Maddy held a hand up to her mouth. “Excuse me,” she said running to the bathroom.

Kiley and I exchanged looks but said nothing.

I changed the subject. “Any other plans for today?”

She glanced at me. “Guess that’s up to you. Want to do a little Christmas shopping?”

We headed to the door thinking about where we could go. I hadn’t figured out what to get for Ransom yet. He was a minimalist. He didn’t wear jewelry other than his leather wristband and watch. He didn’t need anything. But he was a bibliophile.

My face lit up. “Books! Is there an antique store or an older bookstore around here?”