Page 62 of Desiring You

I shook my head, still pacing. “Find the problem and fix it! That’s your job. Forget the micros and make sure our investors get their money.”


Trying to calm myself, I added. “Don’t ignore my calls anymore, J. We go back too far for that garbage. Go use that big brain of yours and solve our problems. And call me once a week with updates.”

“Sure thing, boss.”

Disconnecting, I wished I felt better about that exchange. He must just be stressed about the sources bringing in less plastic.

With the most recent reports showing we were still on track financially, I had to believe that Jamarion was just worried about a slowdown in production due to smaller loads. The reports didn’t indicate a reduction in the items made or in profits yet, so I wasn’t going to stress over it. I had to trust my people to handle it.

Since there was no game tonight, I decided to go to the basement for a while and do some training exercises. One of Molly’s recommendations was working on exercises off the ice. With a silicone honeycomb in the basement, a low balance beam, and some weights, I was able to do a pretty good agility, balance, and control workout. It would bide the time while I waited on Phoebe to emerge. Maybe it would calm my mind too. I pulled off my shirt and got to work.

While I was finishing with some weighted squats, Phoebe thundered down the stairs. “Ransom!”


“Oh good, you’re here!” She squealed, then squeaked when she saw me. “I’ve got a draft!”

Setting my weights down, I studied her flushed face. “That’s great.”

Looking shy, she flopped down on the sofa. “Do you want to hear it?”

I sprawled on the floor wiping my chest with a towel enjoying a breather. “Definitely.”

As she read, I focused not only on her words, but also on her tone of voice, inflections, and demeanor. She was absolutely glowing while she described the impact of having Molly work with the team. With crisp sentences, a conversational tone, and kickass details Molly must have told her in the last month, she effectively talked Molly up and laid out the problem.

When she spoke the last word, I wanted to applaud. I wanted to grab her up and twirl her around. She was so good at her job. The fact that she was able to knock that out in two hours was fucking awesome.

I pushed to my feet. “Holy shit. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Call Kiley for a meeting with Regina. Get that published.”

Phoebe set her article on the sofa and stood to face me. “You think?”

Taking a step toward her and clutching her arms, I gazed into her eyes with wonder. “You are an incredible writer, Raven. You have to share this with the world.”

Her eyes looked a little dazed. “I do?”

I licked my lips, knowing how much I wanted to kiss her and knowing I shouldn’t. “Yeah, you do.”

Emotions warred in me. Desire. Fear.

Lifting one hand, I let my finger start on her shoulder and fall to trace the outline of her neckline. Her lips parted in surprise as I reached her chest, then her eyes closed while her breath came out in little puffs. She wasn’t pushing me away. So, I lowered my head a little heading for her lips. I knew I was tempting fate. Would she push me away? Would she hit me in the chest and pretend she didn’t feel this thing between us? Or would she let my lips brush against hers?

Questions swirled around my head as I continued to angle toward her. Her eyes glazed over as she stretched her neck toward me. My heart thundered in my chest at the thought this might actually happen. Lightly gliding my finger back up to her shoulder, I felt my blood rushing in my ears as I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck. This was it. I was going to kiss her.

Then Phoebe’s eyes flew open. “Ransom?”

I was a whisper from her lips. “Yeah?”

“What are you doing?”

“I was going to kiss you.”

“On purpose?”

I grunted.
