Page 60 of Desiring You

He looked down at her adoringly. “And you were meant to be our coach.”

I crossed my arms. “We were treading water until you came along. Winning enough games to string us along, but never getting to the playoffs.”

She nodded. “Haven’t been to the playoffs for the last five years. The year before that, you were out in the first round.”

Milo pushed forward. “So, what made you even like the Cavaliers? Why did you follow us when we were so damn awful?”

Molly let a smile touch her lips. “You played with heart. Each and every one of you. I saw how much y’all loved the game. Made me love it right along with you. When you play with heart, doesn’t matter whether you win or lose.”

Milo pulled her in for a side hug. “Never seen anyone love the game the way you do, Molls. It’s almost like you can visualize it like a chess match. You see our weaknesses, pound on fixing them in practice, and then at the game, all the pieces come together so we can use them to succeed. It’s a beautiful thing.”

Ilya tipped his chin to her. “You’re not really giving up on us, are you?”

She huffed. “Hell, no. I’d still watch you. On TV the way I used to.”

Growls rose up among the guys.

“Hang on,” Phoebe started. “Now before we get too far down the rabbit hole, let’s just take a step back. We’re all making a pretty giant assumption here.”

When she paused, the guys all started talking at once.

“Hey!” I shouted. “The lady isn’t done.”

Phoebe shot me a nervous glance. “What I see happening here is two separate ideas that individually will be completely ineffective. Molly’s idea to walk away from the game and the player’s idea to forfeit until change comes. However, there may be a way to combine the two to make what you’re suggesting more effective.”

Damien sauntered over to Phoebe. “What do you have in mind, sweet thing?”

I felt a snarl rise in my chest, but while Damien heard it, he didn’t move.

Phoebe gave a little snigger and gripped her coffee mug. “Well, what if there’s something that Molly wants before she would come back? Some sort of validation of her methods, her value to the team? And then your forfeits could be applied as pressure to make that happen. Otherwise, you’re both just shitting in the wind.”

Damien chuckled and wrapped his arm around Phoebe’s waist, eliciting a growl from me. “You know, you might have something there. So, what exactly do you want, Molly?”

Removing Damien’s hand from my girl and giving him a shove back, I possessively put my arm around Phoebe’s waist, letting my hand splay over her hip.

Meanwhile, Molly hopped up and sat on the island so she could see everyone. “Look, guys. I’m not trying to be a bitch about this. I just want what every woman in the history of ever has wanted—respect.”

“We’ve got nothing but respect for you, Molls!” Calder shouted throwing his fist in the air. The guys rallied in support.

Molly snickered. “Yeah, I know. It’s not you I need it from. It’s Coach. He’s doubted me from the first moment he met me. He’s always thought I was just some little girl laying half-dead in a hospital room talking to you boys about hockey. ‘And isn’t that cute?’ But I’m not fucking cute!”

“Hell, no, you’re not!” Phoebe cheered.

Molly nodded. “I’m fierce. And my opinion matters. I see things he doesn’t. Until he accepts what I can bring to the team, I won’t work with him. But not working with him means I can’t work with you.”

Anatoly the giant defenseman stood. “No!” He was the only man there bigger than me, standing at six foot eight and well over two-hundred thirty pounds.

Ilya took a step forward and held his palm out. “Easy, Tolst.”

Anatoly scowled. “No improvement until Mollinshka. Work feet, stick, new drills, and now we win, no?”

Molly wasn’t afraid of him. “That’s right.” She clasped her hands in front of her like the consummate professional she was. “Which is why I sent an email to Coach before you arrived. Phoebe helped me see what I need. I told him either he gives me a position that effectively gives me equal power as him, with my salary donated to the Foundation, or I walk for good.”

I nodded, understanding why she did it and what it would mean for us. This would either tear us apart or make us stronger. Letting go of Phoebe, I joined the guys in the living room standing in front of Molly. As a team, we all lowered to one knee, just as we did when we listened to her on the ice. It was a show of confidence. A position of acceptance. A representation of our respect.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Phoebe swiping away a tear and snapping a photo. It was an incredible moment. A moment that defined us as humans, as men, and as teammates. We would either come through this together or it would torpedo our careers.

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