Page 46 of Desiring You

He shrugged. “Then do it. Stop getting in your own fucking way.”

I paused and stared into the fire. “What if I lose her?”

Dominic leaned forward. “Neither of you are just going to throw twenty years away.”

I swallowed hard. “She’s not interested in anyone else?”

He scoffed. “Seriously?”

I raised my eyes to meet his. “And you’re not, you know, interested in her either?”

Dominic gave me a shove. “You’re sick, man. She’s my sister.”

Fury rose in my chest. “Damn straight she is, so stay out of her fucking bed.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I will. Now, I’m going in. Need a couple hours of sleep before I’m on another plane. My car’s coming at four.”

Gazing up at the sky, I looked for answers. Could I find the words to reach her when it was time?

* * *

At the rink where we were meeting for Thanksgiving dinner, I helped Phoebe from my truck. “Are you sure this looks okay?” Phoebe smoothed the front of her dress that peeked through her coat.

Stepping up to her, I cornered her against the truck letting my gaze rake up and down her body at the olive-green dress with a low square-cut neck that showed off enough cleavage to make me drool. “Do you feel good in it?”

Her breath came out in little pants. “Um, yeah.”

I licked my lips at the sight of her tall black boots. “Then that’s all that matters.” I took a step back. “Now, let’s go.”

As we walked upstairs, I struggled for conversation until I saw a gold necklace on her I didn’t recognize. “Where’s that from?”

She fingered the necklace. “Dominic gave it to me. Isn’t that sweet? He said he’d miss me for Christmas this year, so he wanted to give it to me now.”

I felt a rumble in my chest. “What is it?”

She smiled. “It’s a sun with a smiley face. He said it’s to remind me to smile.”

I tipped my chin to her. “Does it?”

She lifted one shoulder. “Sure as shit doesn’t hurt. It makes me feel delicate.”

I stopped and held her with my gaze. “What else makes you feel that way?”

Her cheeks flushed. “When you pick me up or manhandle me.”

I narrowed my eyes trying to understand. “And that’s good, right?”

She barked out a laugh. “Ah, yeah. Feels awesome, actually.”

I filed that away for the future. “So, you liked skating on me too?”

She giggled. “Hell, yeah. That was fucking awesome! It’s too bad I won’t get to do it again before I leave.”

I scowled as we took the elevator to the second floor. “Why not? We have time.”

She bit her lower lip staring at her fingernails. “Well, ah, no. I have to head back. I know the jet is busy taking Dominic back today, so I booked a flight.”

I felt my blood boiling. “What are you talking about? You said you’d be here until December first! I still have a week left with you!”