Page 1 of Controlling Her

Chapter One

Iwoke in the morning to the fresh scent of tea and toast. The smell was so close to me that I found the dish beside me when I opened my eyes. But it wasn't only the pleasant smell of the food that woke me. My husband, Kyle, stroked my hair, and the hairs on my skin rose in obedience.

“Oh, Kyle! Is it morning already?” I asked as I yawned with a hand cupping my gaping mouth.

“Yes, it is," he responded, quickly adding, "I made you breakfast.”

I sat up and tried not to look at Kyle’s dangling penis as he was naked, but he was standing so close to me that I couldn’t help it.

“Is there a problem?” he asked.

“No. I want to use the bathroom," I said, pulling my gown on the side of the bed to cover myself. Kyle holds it such that the cloth slips off my body. I didn't mind and walked away after he smacked my right bum. When I returned, Kyle raised another matter with me.

“Don’t you like the meal?” he asked.

“I like it. It’s quite thoughtful of you to make me breakfast,” I responded, carrying the cup of tea to sip.

“Really? I feel you don’t appreciate my kind gesture. You said nothing about it until I asked you,” Kyle remarked, his eyes squared on me as if he wanted to see through my slim body.

Kyle watched me take the tea and bit at the toast. My throat hurt as it made a guttural sound. Kyle twitched his eyes, and I covered my mouth as the sound almost repeated itself. I could tell he was pondering something, but I couldn't tell what it was. But I wasn't surprised when he spoke next.

"I don't want to know why you disobeyed me, but I wouldn't want to repeat myself to you on such an issue," he said, and his voice cut through the still air in the room.

I looked straight at him, seeing my small frame in his irises. I knew I was supposed to say something, but the words were slowly forming in my head and leaving my tongue.

"I hate indiscipline, and I will not hesitate to punish you more severely if you repeat such an action," Kyle warned.

His stern voice ensured I got the importance of his message. I nodded meekly and tried to look away. My eyes returned to the cup of tea. Some tea was left in it, but I'd lost my appetite. But it would not be delightful to Kyle to let him know that, so I held onto the cup.

"That was an inevitable situation for me. But I won't let it happen again," I said, ensuring my voice was low and shaky to convey the genuineness of my remorse to Kyle.

It worked.

"That's fine. Go get dressed for work," he responded, taking the cup and other plates from me.

“Thank you, my love,” I said.

Kyle smiled and returned to kiss me on my lips. His kiss was always so profound and passionate that I wish he hadn't. I was dripping again. But then, Kyle stopped and slowly ejected his tongue from my mouth. He knew what he had done to me, and his smile was like a mockery of my emotions.

I got into the bathroom while Kyle left for the kitchen. My body ached and the warm water soothed me. But when it touched my vagina, I felt pain and sensitivity. I winced as I douched with water.

“Are you okay?” Kyle asked at the bathroom entrance.

“I’m fine,” I retorted.

"Good," Kyle said, and he began to dress for work. I saw his penis as he put on his briefs. It had shrunk from what it was the previous night, and even at that, it was still larger than an average male member.

I looked away before he saw me staring at him. I’ve had more than enough sex to last a few days, even though Kyle was the only one who made me cum among five men. I wanted to relax and rejig before I had another go at sex, even though I had dripped a while ago when he kissed me.

But Kyle was never like that, and I knew I would never have the peace to recover. With Kyle, expect the unexpected, and it was part of the fun I enjoyed with him, only that often he took me to the extreme and left me suffocating from having too much or inadequate sex.

I left the bathroom and backed Kyle as I stood by the closet to select the panties I would wear. I saw Kyle looking at me from the mirror, and I pretended not to notice him.

"Why are you putting on black underwear?” he asked.

"I don't know. Let's say I feel comfortable in it. It's net, and I want my body to breathe," I responded with the panties in my hands.

"I don't want you in black underwear. Put on red instead."