Page 45 of The Naughty List

“I know, Sadie, that’s why I suggested it. I can see your collar.” She looks down, then back to me, and her expression softens. “What’s with the rum?”

“Oh.” She holds it up. “Last year, Marsha—you know the lady who took my place in Rio?”

“Yeah, I know Marsha.”

“Well, she bought me a mixer of eggnog last year and didn’t realize it didn’t come mixed with alcohol, and she felt silly. So this year, she gave me the alcohol.”

“Please don’t tell me you still have the eggnog from last year?”

She giggles and shakes her head. “No, but this will certainly come in handy once we get out of here.”

“Did you have plans tonight? Hopefully no friends or a”—I grit out the next word—“date waiting on you?” I begin removing my suit jacket, the heat starting to get to me.

“I—uh…” I look up when she stumbles over her words. She’s watching me intently as I slide the jacket down my arms, then remove my tie completely and undo another button. Folding my jacket in half, I gently place it on the floor before rolling my sleeves up to my elbows.

“You were saying, Miss Emmert?” Her eyes are trained on my hands as she swallows.

“Oh, yeah sorry. No, no plans. I guess I kind of forgot it’s Friday night. Talk about a lame way to start the weekend.”

“You mean spending it with your boss isn’t fun?” I tease, and her cheeks redden again.

“Sorry, no, that’s not what I meant.” She shakes her head in exasperation. “I think I should take my sweater off.” When she thrusts the rum toward me, her purse slides down her arm to the floor. Spinning around so her back is toward me, she struggles to get the sweater over her head and keep her blouse tucked in. She fails, and it pulls up a little, flashing me a sliver of her lower back for one brief second. I feel like a pathetic creep, getting excited over the tiniest glimpse of her bare skin.

“I think we should crack this open,” I say, holding up the bottle.


I look at my watch. “We’ve already been in here for almost twenty minutes, and there’s still no sign of getting any help. Might as well make the best of it. It is the weekend, after all.”

“Just straight? I don’t have anything to mix it with.”

“Come on.” I waggle my eyebrows at her. “Live a little.”

“Okay,” she agrees, flashing me a mischievous little grin. “Oh, I do have one small water bottle, so at least we can stay somewhat hydrated.”

“Always the good girl.” She tugs on her bottom lip with her teeth as I unscrew the cap and hold the rum out to her.

“You first,” she says, pushing it back toward me.

I bring the bottle to my lips, taking two healthy swallows.

“Fuck me, that’s good.”

Her eyes widen. “You like it?” I nod and hand her the bottle. She brings it to her lips, staring at me, then she squeezes her eyes shut and takes a swig. It makes her cough and sputter as her face twists into a horrified grimace, and she sticks her tongue out, making an exaggerated gagging face.

“Oh god, that’s terrible!”

I can’t hold back my laughter. “Sorry. I knew if I told you how bad it was you wouldn’t do it. The first shot is always the worst. Don’t worry, the rest will go down smoother.”

“The rest? I’m not drinking more of that,” she says, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and reaching for the mini water bottle in her purse.

“Oh come on, I thought we were having a Friday night party.”

“Are you trying to peer pressure me, Mr. Snow? That doesn’t seem very professional.”

I let her question simmer for a moment before I answer. How is it she can seem so innocent yet so fucking alluring at the same time? Like she knows just what to say to make my mind spiral with all the naughty things I want to do to her.

“Depends, Miss Emmert.” I take a step closer to her, the space between us already limited. “Is it working?” I reach down, not breaking eye contact as I grab the rum and take another long pull before holding the bottle out to her.