Violet told me her suspicions about the effect Grayson’s blood has on her, but I never accepted her denial that this brings them closer. She cares and their mutual attraction obviously causes issues for the pair.
“Grayson was a mess,” she says.
I swallow. “What did Josef do? As bad as the warehouse?”
“No, but that isn’t what I mean. Emotionally a mess—and I felt every one of those emotions.”
My eyes widen. “Whoa. That’s...”
“Unhelpful? Yes. I’ve enough issues understanding my own without fathoming his too.”
“Right. So you left him alone because you couldn’t cope with that?” I ask cautiously.
“No. I kissed him.”
“Am I supposed to look surprised?” I say with a smirk. “About time. Now you can deal with things instead of pretending he doesn’t affect you.”
“Hmm.” She purses her lips. “Anyway. Relay to me what Mrs. Eldridge said.”
I chuckle, then do as she asks, and Violet eyes me silently for a moment. “Have you touched the stone again, Rowan?”
“No. Don’t you trust me?”
“I do. Otherwise, I’d ask the same question every day. Have I asked? No.”
“Leif can confirm I haven’t asked for the stone since the night I took it, alright?”
“Good.” She pauses. “I have a question for you about Leif.”
“All your complications with guys,” I tease. “Who would’ve thought this would ever happen?”
“Certainly not me,” she says snippily. “And this isn’t about ‘complications.”
“What’s the Leif problem?” I ask.
“Not a problem. A question. What does Leif enjoy?”
“Um.” I scratch my head. “In what respect?”
“Teenage activities. Leif activities. Something I could do with him.” She pauses. “I’d buy him a gift to reciprocate his but have no clue what he likes.”
“Leif likes walking?” I suggest.
“Walking? How is that an interesting activity? It’s an everyday necessity.”
“No. Walking in the countryside. He’d often disappear on his own for hours or did until recently, when things started to get bad with the shifters.” I tap the laptop lid. “Not sure if it’s his shifter side or if he’s just a guy who likes scenery. I went with him a couple of times, but it was exhausting and boring.”
“Walking.” Violet frowns.
“Yeah. And he’d be safe if you were with him. I know that’s why he’s avoided going recently.” I nod. “Go hiking with him. He’d like the time alone with you. Would be good to talk?”
“Talk?” Her brows tug. “Leif doesn’t talk. Much.”
“Maybe he’s never sure what to say?” I suggest. “You offend him more easily than you realize.”
“Yes. I’ve gathered that Leif’s more sensitive than his physical size would suggest.” She nods. “Very well. I shall take Leif for a walk.”
I splutter. “Omigod Violet. You make him sound like a dog.”