Dorian’s focus on Josef snaps and he stares at us. “Excuse me, what?”
Holly was wrong. I should’ve asked Rowan first because he stares at me as if I’ve just suggested I’ll disembowel him.
I glance at Dorian, whose expression could suggest that very fate for Rowan.
Chapter 20
Eloise smiles. “Then Rowan can ensure you return to his room safely.”
A muscle tics in Dorian’s tight jaw.
“Uh. Right.” Rowan continues to look as if I’m about to push him off a ledge.
“Apologies, Rowan. I should’ve asked you first,” I say.
“What’s wrong with your room?” growls Dorian.
“Holly invited Chase over and requires privacy.” I wave a hand. “Please focus on Josef before he leaves.”
Dorian stares at me, and he’s losing focus on the real issue here—Josef. I clear my throat and jab a finger at the vampire loitering on the dais. With one blacker than black look at Rowan, Dorian switches his attention.
Party guests file from the room, the students told to leave and wait in the hotel lobby. The transport organized to return guests to the academy is now due to arrive earlier than planned.
I don’t move.
Josef still doesn’t move either, neither does my father. Instead, both watch each other until the last humans leave the room.
“Are you expecting me to run from you, Dorian?” Josef asks evenly as the door bangs closed. “Because I have no need; I’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Excuse me?” I choke. “You threatened Rowan and killed a witch!”
“Violet. Let me handle this,” says Dorian.
“Yes, I killed a witch in self-defense, as I explained to the lovely human detectives that night.” He stays stock still as Dorian approaches him. “As for Rowan...” Josef clicks his tongue. “Attacked me with shadows. Do many know about your shadows, Rowan?”
“That’s a lie,” I growl.
“About the shadows? No. I experienced them.”
“No. Rowan did not attack you.” I’m out of my chair too, ignoring Rowan’s attempt to stop me from joining Dorian in front of Josef.
“Violet,” says Dorian in a warning tone, not looking around.
“And Grayson! You half-killed him at the warehouse.”
I’m as close to Josef as I was that night and now-familiar feelings and desires stir—disgust and the impetus to attack this man. Here he is, dressed like a human, his beguiling moves practiced over more than a hundred years. Josef keeps himself firmly entrenched in the human world, but he is not untouchable.
The vampire lifts his head and his nostrils flare as he studies me closely. “You have Petrescu blood running through your veins, Miss Blackwood. Are you closer to my nephew than I realized?” I tense and side-glance Dorian, who somehow keeps his expression neutral. “Grayson and I had little time to talk tonight, and I’d love to catch him before I leave. Is he still here?”
“He left,” I say and tip my chin. “You can’t touch him.”
Josef smiles. “Then I shall catch up with him again soon.”
I swallow down another retort against Josef, struggling to push down the anger.
“You’re not leaving alone tonight,” says Dorian. “I want you in custody.”