Page 35 of Live To Tell

I look through the window behind at the pine trees that stand like sentinels at the edge of the driveway. “Speaking of trust, has Ethan had any luck with the elders?”

“He spoke with them a couple of days ago, but didn’t get far. Roderick—the main guy—wants to meet Leif and asked Ethan to organize a meeting.”

“What? No.”

He slants his head. “Leif can’t say no, Violet.”

“Yes, he can.”

“No, he can’t. We’ll get nowhere with solving why and how witches targeted shifters unless the elders cooperate. If Leif’s what we need to get a meeting with the elders, that’s what we’re doing. You told me Leif wanted our help?”

“Not by delivering him to them!”

Dorian sighs. “Ethan won’t ‘deliver’ Leif. Do you think your father would hand someone over to a situation and people they hate? To somewhere Leif would lose his free will? Look at our history, Violet.”

No. But still, what if the elders take Leif?

“Oh, and speaking of situations and people they hate, we’re invited to attend Sawyer’s little birthday soiree this weekend. Guests of honor due to saving his life.” He pulls a face. “Perhaps continue your tiara investigations there?”

He looks at me pointedly and doesn't need to say the words: 'because I'm not interested'.

“Kai’s birthday?” I straighten. “We’re invited? How wonderful.”

Dorian half-smiles. “Yes. Should be an interesting evening.”

“Not for the wrong reasons, I hope.”

The normal Violet Blackwood would protest against attending a social gathering, but this one offers many possibilities for furthering the investigation Dorian refuses to help with.

“Now. Is that all? I’m busy with an actual investigation.”

I swallow down how pissed I am at his dismissive attitude, especially towards Leif. “When I discover the truth, and that the tiara and death links to everything happening, I expect an apology from you for not listening or helping, Dorian,” I say through clenched teeth.

“Yes, sweetest girl,” he says in such a patronizing tone that I’m tempted to smack him across the head with a bolt of magic, regardless of the repercussions.

“Okay. What about the renovated house where the witches recruited the shifters? Any further with investigating that?” I ask.

“I’ve personally interviewed the elderly witch owners,” says Dorian. “Their minds weren’t hard to penetrate and I’m 99% sure they’re not involved. They’d subdivided the land and sold the part with the old cottage to developers. The pair know Grant Underhill who worked as a construction manager before Josef killed him, but they weren’t close to the witch. They’re genuinely shocked about him using ‘mind control’ on his contractors, “

“Construction manager for who?” Violet asks.

“Again, I’ve located the development company, and I’m looking for any contacts and employees within the organization who may be significant. It’s a small operation, so shouldn’t be difficult.” He shrugs. “Witches flipping houses for a good profit. Popular area of town.”

“And the house?” I ask. “Have you thoroughly inspected the interior?”

He gives a tight smile. “You constantly question my peoples’ ability to investigate criminal matters.”

“Naturally, since I’m the one who’s better at it.”

Dorian barks a laugh. “Perhaps you should focus on the Mystery of the Cursed Tiara and channel your ‘expertise’ that way.”

“And keep out of your business, I presume.”

He merely smiles.

“Well, I suppose I’ll have to spend more time with the three guys in my life.” The smile drops. “Especially as it seems they need my protection against threats to their lives.”

“Another reason to keep away from the investigations surrounding the shifters and necromancers.”