Page 76 of For Dear Life

“Rowan thinks the code links to a spell he could use to tune into secret magic—darker, more powerful.”

“Again, I am aware,” I say evenly. “We have no secrets.”

“Everybody has secrets, Violet,” says Marci and looks back to Rowan.

“Give it a rest, Marci,” says Rowan wearily.

I look between them. “Everybody, Marci? Even you?”

Marci’s saccharin smile is beginning to irritate me as much as Rowan’s smirks once did. “Seems Rowan achieved his dark intentions in another way—through whatever deal you two have. Surely you won’t teach Blackwood magic to Rowan, Violet?”

Her expression’s clear, curious even, as if she can’t figure out why else we’d spend time together. Can’t witches sense bonds between others? Interesting. “I can assure you that I will not assist Rowan with any spell that would pose a threat to the academy or the world in general. I’m well aware Rowan pushes his magic to the limits and how potentially dangerous he is.”

Marci bites her bottom lip, intensifying her scrutiny between me and the other witch. “Rowan’s attracted to powerful witches for a reason, Violet.”

“Is this a conversation about Rory and Wes’s killer or not?” he asks tersely.

“Are you implying Rowan targeted you and has now targeted me?” I scoff and look between them, Rowan’s face now thunderous and his familiar anger flashing at Marci this time. “I’m unaware how weak you are, but Rowan would fail to take advantage of or use me.”

“I did not take advantage of Marci!” retorts Rowan. “Our interests were mutual.”

“Mutual?” She laughs softly. “Our interest in magic, yeah.”

How very curious. Is Marci attempting to cause trouble between Rowan and me the way she attempted to with Holly? My suspicion of the girl hasn’t dropped—how much did Rowan involve her in his research? She asks for help with solving Rory’s murder on behalf of Nita and then appears to drive a wedge between me and others.

Did her and Rowan’s relationship end badly, or is this more?

“Well, this meeting veered a little off track,” I say, and stand. “I merely wanted to communicate what happened today, not begin a discussion of yours and Rowan’s unsuccessful romance. Thank you for the extra information about the Circle, Marci. Something for me to work on until we next speak to Dorian.”

Marci picks up her coffee cup and slurps, watching me over the top as she does. “Where’s Grayson?”

“I don’t track his movements.”

“No, but he tracks yours.” She sips again. “I’d say the guy’s obsessed. How does he fit into all… this?” She gestures between Rowan and me.

Why does this girl insist on attempting to rile me as if I’m a normal person who’d care about personal slights? “I’m collecting consorts. What’s unusual about that for a half-witch?”

She falters—momentarily and Holly gasps. Actually gasps. “Nice,” replies Marci.

“Odd choice of word.” I tip my head at Rowan. “I’d like to talk to Leif now.”

“Don’t forget the committee meeting later,” Marci adds casually.

“How could the opportunity to spend more time in your delightful company possibly slip my mind, Marci?”

Rowan remains quiet as we wander away. “Sorry about Marci,” he says eventually.

“Why are you sorry?”

“The stuff about me and her. You don’t need to worry.”

He’s cautious, and I pause to turn to him. “Why would I worry? Is there anything in her past or present that would make you suspect Marci’s involvement with the crimes?”

“No. And that isn’t what I meant.”

I arch a brow. “That was spoken rather emphatically.”

“Marci’s another girl who likes the world as it is and doesn’t like things out of her control.”