I study her now undisguised ‘gotcha’ look. “Your sweet and friendly act doesn’t fool me, Holly. You are, in fact, a ruthless criminal mastermind.”
“What?” Her smugness slips away. “You suspect me? What have I done? Didn’t we explain the items in my closet?”
“You planned to ensnare me into this dance committee in order to strong-arm me into partaking in the event.” I narrow my eyes. “Have I not made myself clear on the subject?”
“Well.” Holly taps her lips. “There was your comment how you’d rather be flayed alive than attend the dance. And also, the time you told me you’d rather be locked in an airless room with nothing but venomous spiders for company.”
“Not enough clarity?”
She chuckles. “You’d better choose which of your guys to bring with you.”
I can’t help the snarl that escapes; one loud enough to earn a look of alarm from the elderly lady beside me. The snarl that grows when Holly adds, “And choose your dress.”
“I shall do neither, Holly,” I retort. “Now get me out of here before I’m tempted to mind-control you off the upper floor balcony.”
* * *
Few people found interest in the boutique homewares shop, but we step out into a mass of shoppers. Holly’s territory confuses me, and everybody here resembles mice running round a maze trying to find the place that dispenses food. Or in their case, consumer delights.
I immediately stride towards the elevator that leads down to the bowels of the mall and Holly rushes to step in front. I pull myself to a stop as she faces me.
I regard her unblinkingly. “Holly.”
“Please come with me. I promise not to force you into a dress. If you want to wear your usual clothes to the dance, that’s okay.” She smiles hesitantly. “But you could help me decide? There’s too much choice.”
“Come with you on the off-chance I’ll see a dress and swoon at the idea I could wear the thing and look pretty?” I arch a brow.
“Just a look?” she continues. “Please.”
“Don’t start whining. I hate whining. That’s why I’m happy in a life free from siblings.”
“I was not whining.” She pauses and blinks. “Free from? Did you kill a brother or sister for annoying you?”
I run my tongue along my top teeth and look at her impassively. “What do you think?”
“Omigod, Violet.” Her eyes go as large as one of the fishbowl glasses.
Honestly. This is as bad as her initial belief that I ate children. “I don’t have a whining sibling, Holly.”
“Anymore?” she whispers.
I could allow Holly to continue believing that I’m capable of fratricide, but I’m more generous to her than in our early encounters. “Do you think the world has room for another Violet Blackwood?”
“You did kill!”
“Good grief!” I choke. “No. My parents ceased reproduction after one spawn. I once asked why, and they told me ‘complicated reasons’. I presume I’m the complicated reasons.”
“Would you’ve liked a brother or sister?” she asks.
“Do you have one?”
“An older sister. She isn’t at the academy. Ivy never attended.”
“And do you like said sibling?”
Holly pulls a non-committal face while I try to picture her sister. “She was mean to me when we were younger, but we get along okay now.”