Page 75 of For Dear Life

“Performing spells?” I say. “I can imagine you made a strong couple.” Nobody speaks and I side-glance Rowan, whose sudden silence and tight jaw confuse me. “Yes?”

Marci chuckles. “Have I embarrassed you, Rowan?”

“No,” he says curtly. “You’re trying to change the subject.”

Holly stares at Marci, eyes wide. “I don’t think you should talk about your past with Rowan in front of Violet.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Marci, shut up and just tell me what you’ve discovered about the code,” says Rowan.

“Haven’t deciphered it either,” Marci replies. “The word ‘circle’ appears a few times. A link to the Nightshadow Circle?”

“The Circle?” Rowan scoffs. “I doubt it. That’s a group of obscenely rich witches who are more bothered about outdoing each other’s wealth than practicing difficult spells.”

“Are these individuals a threat to my father?” I perk up. “A secret society?”

“Not secret; a prestigious organization. Invitation only and a hefty entrance fee to their annual gathering. The rest of the time, the witches network to make as much money as possible, usually fleecing humans and hiding fraudulent activity.” Rowan shakes his head. “Dorian would’ve looked into them or any other public covens. If the Circle had any connection to Sawyer, Dorian would’ve found one by now.”

“But they’re secretive?” I continue.

“In general, no, due to families flaunting their prestige. But everyone’s forbidden to discuss what happens at their annual gathering,” says Marci.

“Oh?” A tingle of excitement at a connection begins. “Illegal magic?”

“I know someone who attended once.” Marci’s lips tug into a weird smile. “The witches dress up and wear masks, and the only magic used is to get high. Pretty much one big orgy.”

“Isn’t that a supe thing?” asks Holly bluntly. “Multiple partners.”

“Ask Violet,” says Marci, with a smirk that’s somewhat reminiscent of Rowan’s attitude to me in the early days.

“I haven’t partaken in orgies, and I would draw the line at such behavior even in the pursuit of my investigations.” I sigh. “But you’re sure this coven isn’t involved? Is there a record of all the members?”

“Again, I expect Dorian’s on it,” says Rowan. “But these rich assholes are the type who wouldn’t want any upheaval or change to the status quo. The current world order suits their needs.”

“How about this annual meeting place?” I ask, and my jaw clenches. “Do they have a headquarters? How did I not know about this?”

“Because there’s nothing remarkable about them,” says Rowan. “And if I’m wrong and there is, Dorian will discover something, Violet.”

Hmm. Everybody is a suspect to me.

“Does this Circle allow humans to join?” I ask. “Could Sawyer be involved?”

Marci shakes her head. “Witches and humans don’t mix.” She glances at Holly. “Usually. Sorry.”

Holly shrugs.

“But secret codes and hidden spell books,” I mutter. “As soon as I’ve solved the murders, we focus on those next, Rowan.”

Marci snickers. “You might not like what you find, Detective Violet.”

I slice her a look. “Why? What else do you know?”

“Did Rowan tell you why he spends so much time researching in the library?” She rubs a thumb against her chin. “You know his interest isn’t purely academic.”

“I am here,” retorts Rowan. “And Violet knows.”

“Yes. I’m aware of Rowan’s interest in achieving magical supremacy.” Rowan’s eyes go wide. “He initially attempted to blackmail me into helping with a difficult spell. Failed, naturally.”