Page 72 of For Dear Life

“Such faith, Grayson.” He’s close enough that I hear his pulse too, the slow movement of an ancient’s blood. “I need her to hurt someone. I want Violet to kill the witches who’re threatening Sawyer—the ones I believe are involved with these killings.”

“What?” I ask hoarsely.

“Well, if the witches are trying to frame Violet for murder, makes sense she’d like to eliminate them.” He smiles. “Self-control or not, the need to eliminate enemies is a Blackwood trait.”

“She’s proving her innocence, not attacking people.” I shake my head. “I’m sure Violet will deal with the witches, but not by killing them.”

I flinch as he pats my cheek. “Poor, naive Grayson. Has Violet put a spell on you?” I tense at his mocking. “If I ensure she ‘finds’ these witches, you ensure she kills them.”


He blinks slowly. “You don’t use that word with me, Grayson Petrescu.”

“I can’t make Violet do anything.”

“Incorrect. You can coax out the side Violet’s father encouraged her to hide. The one that everybody needs to see in his daughter. The same side Dorian artfully hides but which will appear in full force when his little girl’s threatened.” Blood whooshes in my ears; what the hell’s happening here? Does Josef know about the shifters? The necromancers?

“How can you arrange for witches to meet Violet if you’re not connected to them and their killing spree?” I ask suspiciously.

“Not meet Violet—Sawyer. Or rather, a chance meeting between the witches and Sawyer’s little boy, whose death would be a great inconvenience. Humans tend to lose their focus when a precious child dies. I rely on Sawyer’s influence over the town. I can’t let that grip on his power slide, which would happen if the witches succeeded in killing Kai and caused the man to lose his mind.”

I stare at the moss growing on the wooden picket fence, the fresh spring air suddenly no easier to breathe than the musty house. Do I accept Josef genuinely isn’t involved with these witches and the murders? Sure, he dislikes the race, but he hates Dorian more. This could still be a way to manipulate a situation for revenge against Dorian without getting his hands dirty. But a coincidence that the witches and Josef share the same aim? I’m doubtful.

What now? I slide my eyes back to his stern face, hoping to hell our catch up doesn’t last longer than one afternoon.

“What are these witches’ names?” I ask.

“Dorian has the names, but he won’t find the men easily, even if Sawyer tells him everything.”

Evasive. “Why are they threatening Kai?” I ask.

Josef sighs as if I’m a small child trying his patience and takes his seat again. “Sawyer bargained with witches in order to cement his status in the community. A spell here and there to keep himself one step ahead of rivals, and other magic to ensure protection from the shifters. Really, Sawyer should be protecting himself against the witches.”

“And Sawyer didn’t keep his end of the bargain with the witches? Is that what’s happening here?”

“Evidently he did not. Sawyer refuses to tell me everything about this agreement with witches or what’s causing them to threaten Kai, and the witches blocked his mind from mental interference.” The hardness in his expression spreads to his eyes. “Luckily for Sawyer, these witches require more competent hitmen than the shifters—they’ve missed the target twice.”

Josef doesn’t know about the necromancy.

But there’s a lot not adding up here. He must know these witches if he has enough influence to arrange a meeting.

“You’ll arrange for witches to meet Kai but instead Violet will be there?” I ask. “And you want me to take Violet to the meeting so she’ll kill them before they have another chance to target Kai?”

He nods. “And Violet’s always with that witch or human which will give her an extra incentive to kill, as I’m positive the witches will attack one of them. With any luck, those boys might help.”

“You’d make enemies of witches just to frame Violet and help a human?”

“I’ve no fear of witches, and Sawyer’s a very useful human, Grayson.” He flicks his tongue against his top teeth.

“Your plan won’t work now that Dorian knows their names. He’ll catch the witches himself, or at least have them under surveillance by now.”

“Which is why time is of the essence, Grayson.” I shrink back as he’s abruptly in front of me again, sharp teeth centimeters from my nose. “That Blackwood bastard killed the man at the pinnacle of our family line and pushed Petrescus into the gutter. Oskar Petrescu led our society and kept abominations like him under control. Now the Blackwood is in charge, dangerous supes could roam the world. Such as his daughter. Dorian doesn’t deal with these threats in the way Oskar did. He will not keep us safe. That will be his downfall.”

“I’m aware of our family history, Josef, but times change.”

“And change for the best?” His eyes glint for a moment. “Did you know Oskar wanted to stop Violet from existing? End hybrids?”

The sunny day cools. “Kill her?”