“Yes, she is. It’s extremely important that I find this person,” I continue. “I believe his life might be in danger.”
Tired brown eyes turn my way. “Well, if he’s half-dead, yes, he would be in danger, but will be receiving treatment. Sit down.”
The man pushes hair from his face and looks at a computer screen, so I take a calming breath.
He flicks another look at me when I don't move. “Are you a vampire?”
"How’s that relevant?”
"There's a policy against allowing the blood-sucking ones into this hospital. I'll call security if you don't leave."
"I'm half-vampire, but I don’t like blood.”
“Half?” He peers again. “How does that work?”
“I am also a necromancer so could offer my services if you'd like to keep your hospital death rate low."
"A necromancer?" He arches a brow. "Oh, really?"
"Yes. And these companions are the result of my excellent work," I continue, indicating Leif and Rowan. "Can I visit the half-de@d person now?" The nurse’s lips thin until I can barely see them. "Please?"
He swears beneath his breath, then tips his head as if paying attention to someone else. Glancing at me, the nurse then nods, before gesturing to his right, towards empty seats. Leif takes my shoulders and guides me away.
“You indicated to the nurse that I'm mentally unwell,” I retort. Rowan stands over me, so I’m forced to sit. “Which one of you did that?”
“Remember how acting like a normal person can help with your investigations, Violet?” Leif says. “Because this behavior really isn’t normal or helpful."
“I was merely playing for time. Talk of necromancy tends to distract people and could’ve given you an opportunity to find Oz.” I huff. Do they never appreciate my skills? “Rowan won’t let me use mind-control so we need to do something.”
“It’s likely Oz’s through there in triage.” Rowan points to the second set of doors. “We need to figure out how to get inside or at least discover if they took Oz to a ward. Or ICU, possibly.”
“Well, a bit of mind control would help with that,” I say pointedly.
“Right. So. A shifter collapsing and convulsing half to death in front of Violet Blackwood who then arrives at the hospital and uses mind control to find him, and then he possibly dies. Good scenario?” Rowan shakes his head. “Even your presence inside the hospital isn’t a great idea. We shouldn’t be here.”
“I’d do what I want, whether you agree or not.”
“Sweet Violet, don’t you think I’ve learned that by now? At least when I’m with you, I can minimize the damage.”
I ignore his saccharin name for me. “He’d better not die,” I mutter. “Die again, I mean.”
“You think he might?” whispers Leif, who sits in the bolted down seat beside me.
“If I’m unlucky, yes.”
“Hmm.” Leif’s lips purse. “You mean if he’s unlucky?”
“Oz isn’t blessed with good fortune as it is, Leif,” I say pointedly. “A permanent death is an unpleasant prospect, but which would you prefer? Death or undeath?”
“I hope I never bloody find out.”
“But what do we do?” I ask. “Apart from attempt to get through there.” I point at the doors the female nurse has returned through. “Are you sure I can’t use mind control?”
Rowan looks at me as if I’m stupid, so I bare my teeth at him.
“Snarling doesn’t help with the ‘act like a normal person’ idea, Violet,” he says.
“Be quiet. I need to think.”