Unable to stand the distance between their mouths, Aiden leaned forward and kissed him. God, it was bliss after half a day apart, Zain’s mouth as hungry and desperate as his own.
The kiss felt more like fucking, as they dry humped through their clothes until Zain finally pushed Aiden’s shirt—his own shirt on Aiden—up, revealing his lack of underwear. Zain growled into the kiss, his hands groping Aiden’s buttocks greedily before retrieving a small bottle from his pocket. He opened it and poured its contents into his hand.
“Is that lube? You came prepared!” Aiden said with a breathless, teasing smile.
Zain scowled at him.“Of course I did,” he said tersely, yanking his zipper down and pulling out his erection.“I’ve been thinking of this all day.” He slicked up his cock with a few fast, impatient strokes before nudging it against Aiden’s hole.“I knew”—Zain gritted it out, pressing carefully into him—“I knew I’d end up with my cock in your cunt within minutes of seeing you.”
Aiden moaned, spreadinghis legs wider. His hole was well used to taking Zain’s cock several times a day, so the stretch wasn’t even uncomfortable.It felt glorious.
“We probably shouldn’t be—ahh—fucking outside,” Aiden said, looking at the darkening sky. Anyone with a pair of binoculars would be able to see them from another skyscraper taller than this one. Luckily, this one was very tall, but still. The risk was definitely there.
“We shouldn’t be fucking, period,” Zain said, biting Aiden’s neck viciously as his hips snapped forward, driving his cock faster and harder into him.
“But it feels so good,” Aiden whispered, closing his eyes and finally losing himself in the glorious sensation of being taken and having this man inside him.
They came together, kissing desperately.
Then Zain lifted him into his arms and carried him inside.
They were too tired and spent to do anything besides undressing and falling into the bed.
Before long, they were asleep, tangled in each other.
Interlude II
His head was pounding.
It had begun as a dull ache during lunch and had turned into a throbbing pain by four in the afternoon.
Zain hated feeling ill.He hated other people seeing him in that state even more.
Unfortunately, the headaches had been his frequent companion for the past decade. They came and went randomly, each time leaving him snappish, moody, and sometimes nauseated.
There wasn’t a medical reason for his headaches; Zain was as healthy as a bull. His doctor insisted that his headaches were just the result of stress and too much work.
Whatever their reason, when a headache set in, Zain’s tolerance of other people tended to hit an all-time low—Salma always said heturned into a bit of an ogre. She was one of the precious few people he could tolerate in this state, thanks to their old friendship and her excellent massage skills. Theirs was a steady friendship with benefits—or at least it had been, since he hadn’t enjoyed the benefits this year at all.
When Zain had felt the headache become worse that afternoon, he should have gone to her straight from his office.But he had wanted to go home.
To Aiden.
“Like this?” Aiden said softly, massaging his scalp with his fingertips.
Zain hummed in assent, even though the pressure was a little off. Salma would have given him a much better, professional massage, but just the thought of lifting his pounding head from Aiden’s lap, getting into a helicopter, and going to Salma was very unappealing. Aiden might be unskilled, but his touch was comforting. It soothed him, made him feel good in a way that wasn’t physical. Which was a thought Zain didn’t examine too closely.
“You poor thing,” Aiden murmured, leaning down and kissing him on the brow.
Zain gave him a baleful look.
He must have been losing his touch, because Aiden only smiled at him.“Is the light too bright? I can turn off the lamp.”
“No,” Zain said, loathing the thought of Aiden removing his hands from his head and moving away.
“All right,” Aiden said, brushing his thumb between his brows.“I still think you get these headaches because you frown too much. You should smile more. I’ve read somewhere that smiling is very beneficial for your health and stress levels.”
Normally, it irritated Zain to no end when people attempted to engage him in conversation when he had a headache this bad. But to his surprise, he found that he didn’t mind Aiden’s chatter. Aiden had a good voice, soft and smooth, and he didn’t speak too loudly, ever so mindful of Zain’s discomfort.
“Are you too hot? Do you want me to turn up the air conditioning?”