“Fuck you—” Aiden’s words turned into a startled moan when Zain shifted his hips, his cock rubbing right against his prostate.
“You were saying?” Zain ground out, pulling his cock out and slowly thrusting back into him.
“Congrats, you found my prostate—” Aiden moaned again as Zain gave another vicious stab against his sweet spot. “I still hate you. Asshole.”
“Do you ever shut up?” Zain said, biting his earlobe.
Aiden grinned dazedly.“Never, babe.”
Zain bit his earlobe again, his stubble scratching the side of Aiden’s face and sending a shiver over his skin.
Aiden turned his head, mouthing the corner of Zain’s lips desperately,wanting.
But Zain didn’t kiss him. He was breathing hard against his cheek, histhrusts becoming faster, his grip on Aiden’s nape unforgiving. Christ, it had no right to feel this good, not with this man. Aiden tried to appear unaffected, but he couldn’t seem to stop his hips from moving to meet Zain’s thrusts, chasing that delicious feeling of fullness. What had seemed uncomfortable a few minutes ago now felt like an itch that needed to be scratched, and he couldn’t get enough. His mind felt fuzzy, all other thoughts wiped clean other than the cock moving in him and the need to have his hole well and truly filled.
Before long, his state deteriorated to the point that Aiden found himself whimpering at every thrust, his overheated body pliant on the bed, unable to do anything but soak up the sensation of being dicked within an inch of his life.
God, was this how cock-sluts were created? Because he sure felt like one now. He felt like he would fucking cry if Zain stopped. He needed this, he needed this, he needed this—
And then the bastardpulled out. “Say it again,” he demanded, his breath hot against Aiden’s neck.
Aiden whined, disoriented and so damn empty it took him a moment to comprehend the words.“Say what?”
“Say that I own you,” Zain rasped out.
“Are you fucking serious? Move.”
Zain bit his neck, shooting a sensation of pain-pleasure straight to Aiden’s crotch. “Say it. Or I won’t give you my cock.”
Aiden shivered. “You own me, you self-centered dick.Now move, damn you. I wanna come.”
“Watch your tone. And you will come only if I let you.”
God. How did this horrible, infuriating man push every button he hadn’t even known he had?
“Please,” Aiden whispered, his voice small, raw, and terrifyingly honest.“Please, Zain.”
The man behind him went very still. He appeared to have stopped breathing altogether.
Then Zain gripped his hip hard and slammed back into him.Moaning, Aiden clutched the bedspread in his hands and held on as Zain’s cockhammered into him at an unrelenting pace, again and again and again.
Christ. So good. He’d never felt such a high. There was something about beingfucked, about being used, submitting to this man’s strength and dominance, that felt so deliciously wrong and so hot. He was making sounds that didn’t sound manly in the least, broken moans and whines that he hadn’t even known he was capable of.
It took Aiden less than a minute of that to come, spilling his release all over Zain’s bed, pleasure making him see white.
He lay there in a pool of his own come, dazed, fucked-out and blissed-out, like a sex doll for Zain to use. And use him he did, for what felt like hours until he finally came, too.
Zain didn’t spill into him—he was wearing a condom—but Aiden couldfeelhis orgasm almost as acutely as his own. He felt Zain shudder and shake, a low growl leaving his throat, barely audible but raw, before he fell on top of Aiden, breathing hard, still mostly clothed.
Aiden forced his eyes open and breathed, too, trying to regain a semblance of control. His body felt weak like a kitten’s, unable—unwilling—to move. He felt at peace exactly where he was: under Zain, with Zain’s cock still inside him.
Oh god.
Had he really allowed Zain to do it?
He had.
While Aiden would have liked to deny it, he couldn’t even pretend in his mind that Zain had forced him. Aiden hadknownthat if he had said no and walked out, Zain would have let him. But he hadn’t.