As always, Aiden immediately felt like the world rearranged itself around him now that there wasn’t a Zain-shaped pillar in it. The sensation was disorienting, as if he were waking up from a bizarre dream.

Aiden got to his feet and blinked blankly at the door, barely curbing the ridiculous urge to go after Zain. Like a fucking puppy following his owner.

A wave of self-disgust washed over him.

Jesus. He needed to put a stop to this.

Before he really started thinking of himself as Zain’s pet.

Chapter Eleven

When Zain sent for him the next evening, Aiden was resolved to put a stop to the whole thing. There was being cooperative, and then there was what Zain was forcing him into. Zain was full of shit. Aiden didn’tneedpractice anymore. He was hardly a pro at blowjobs, but he’d gotten pretty good and comfortable with them, despite Zain’s rough handling.

“I’m not going to give you blowjobs anymore,” Aiden said the moment he entered Zain’s room.

Seated in the armchair by the window, Zain lifted his gaze to him.The room was poorly lit, the bedside lamp the only source of light, so Zain’s face was half in the shadows and difficult to read. “What blowjobs?”

Aiden blinked at him before laughing.“Is that your idea of a joke? I didn’t hallucinate the blowjobs you forced me to give you!”

Leaning back in his seat, Zain folded his long fingers in front of him and regarded Aiden with slightly raised eyebrows.“It was just practice. And if anyone was forced into it, it wasn’t you. I distinctly remember you enjoying yourself every time.”

His face burning, Aiden huffed.“Are you seriously going to claim that you didn’t?”

Zain shrugged.“I won’t deny that, but it’s nothing more than a physiological reaction to stimuli. It’s still unnatural and repulsive.”

“Repulsive?” Aiden repeated, spluttering with indignation. He tried to ignore the other feeling that had his stomach twisted up. It wasn’t hurt. It wasn’t disappointment. Whatever it was, it originated from the same part of him that preened every time this man deigned to praise him. That part of him should shut up.

“Yes,” Zain said. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m not gay.”

“It washardto take that seriously when you were coming in my mouth several times a day. Pun intended.”

Zain gave him a flat look.

Aiden smiled.“Sorry, but I don’t buy that it was repulsive. No man is that self-sacrificing. And a selfish asshole like you definitely isn’t. I don’t care how you rationalize it in your homophobic mind, but don’t feed me that bullshit. Because I’m not buying it.”

Something shifted in those dark eyes. The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees as Zain scrutinized him. Finally, he said softly,“You don’t get to accuseme of repressed homosexual inclinations just because I don’t return your feelings.”

Aiden choked out,“I don’t havefeelingsfor you, you self-centered, conceited, smug ass!” The mere thought was nauseating. Nauseating and ridiculous. The nerve!

Zain raised his eyebrows.“My mistake. It must have been someone else who looks like a kicked puppy every time I leave the room.”

Aiden vividly imagined choking him with his bare hands. Or punching those sneering, perfect lips.

That’s not fucking true, he wanted to yell.

But then he thought better of it. It would be pointless. Zain wouldn’t believe him. Why would he, when Aiden behaved so embarrassingly eager every time he sucked his cock? No, he had to think of another way to get the upper hand. Everyone had a weakness.

The problem was, this man didn’t seem to have any.

Except… except maybe for the chink in his armor that had appeared when Aiden had alluded to Zain’s repressed homosexual leanings. Or had he imagined it?

It was worth a try. It might be the only way to get under Zain’s skin, to push him off balance.

“You’re right,” Aiden said, giving him his sweetest smile and batting his eyelashes in an exaggerated manner.

Zain’s eyes narrowed.“Am I?” he said, watching him warily.

“Yep,” Aiden said, sauntering over. He dropped himself into Zain’s lap and smiled wider, pretending he hadn’t noticed the way Zain had gone completely rigid. He looped his arms around Zain’s neck.“I adore you,” Aiden said dramatically, pecking him on the stubbled jaw. His heart thundering, he did it again, trying not to breathe deeply. This man’s scent did things to him. Horrible things. “I can’t live without you, let’s have babies together—Ouch!” Aiden rubbed his sore ass when he was unceremoniously dumped from Zain’s lap.“This isn’t the way to treat someone in love with you, babe,” he said, batting his eyelashes again before blowing him a kiss.