Page 12 of Tainted Promise

My hands trembled so much, I didn’t know if I’d be able to open any drawers or move papers around. Forming fists at my side, I stepped up to the desk. Neat piles of papers were stacked on top. I read them without touching anything, quickly figuring out they were reports from their legitimate operations.

So totally useless.

Hating what I was doing with every wheezy breath I took, I reached for the first drawer. It slid out, revealing a mess of paperclips, sticky notes, and pens. The second drawer held blank copy paper, and the third and last drawer contained files.

Pulling out the first folder, I opened it, praying it wasn’t anything important. There were a bunch of numbers but no names or any identifying information.

I took a photo of each page, careful not to get them out of order. The rest of the folders were much the same, but I took photos in case they turned out to be important.

Once I put everything back where I found it, I stepped back. I’d had enough for today, my heart trying to break out of my chest with every second I spent in this room.

After checking one last time that everything was back where I found it, I carefully opened the door again. When no steps sounded nearby, I slipped out of the room, nearly falling on my face in my haste to get away.

Once the door was closed, I turned and nearly collided with a small body blocking my way.

“Freya.” Her name came out in a breathless whisper.

Way to appear inconspicuous.

She studied me with raised brows. “What were you doing in Dad’s office?”

“I was looking for some paper.”

Freya pointedly looked at my empty hands. I sent a silent prayer of thanks that I’d stashed my phone back in my waistband before leaving the room.

“I have paper in my room if you still want it?”

Hiding my still-trembling hands behind my back, I forced my face into a smile. “That would be great.”

I followed her on shaking legs while fighting the urge to throw up. I hated myself for doing this. But I hated Aleksándr more for putting me in this position.



“Your beloved sons have returned,”Jude called out as soon as we stepped through the front door of my parents’ mansion. He threw his arms out wide, walking up to Mom with a smile. I didn’t know if I’d call him stupid or brave for approaching her when she looked at us as if she wished she could shoot fire out of her eyes and incinerate us on the spot.

She was standing in the entrance hall, arms crossed, eyes narrowed. “Three days.” Her voice was even, and I glanced at Jude, whose smile wobbled before he forged on. Mom’s voice only resembled a robot when she was furious.

He threw his arms around her and lifted her in a tight hug. “Everyone’s allowed to take a break every once in a while.”

“Not if you walk out on your own reception, only to disappear forthree days.”

Jude had finally found his brain and was now standing at a safe distance.

“Something came up.” My explanation for my disappearance was as lame as it was ineffective. If anything, it seemed to incense her further.

“You stranded her with nothing but her wedding dress. She didn’t even have a phone.”

I’d been questioning my impulsive decision many times over the last few days. And Mom’s words confirmed the conclusion I’d already come to: I shouldn’t have walked out, no matter how much I resented this marriage and couldn’t handle the attraction I felt for my wife.

“Yeah, I wasn’t really thinking straight when I left.”

“I’d say so,” she huffed.

“Is she still here?”

“Of course she is. Where else would she go?”