Page 76 of Tainted Promise

“Of course he did, the idiot.” Freya finished opening the containers and sat down in the empty chair that was still next to my bed. “He’s been going crazy with worry, but once he can finally talk to you, he messes it up. Typical.”

“Since we’re not together anymore, he probably just felt guilty.”

After all, he wanted me gone. At least he used to. Now I didn’t know what he wanted anymore.

“He knows he made a mistake. And just like all my brothers, he can’t deal with his feelings. Especially not if they include love.”

“I really don’t think he loves me.” Taking a bite of food out of the closest container, I moaned at the rich taste. “He’s just a good guy and wants to do the right thing.”

Freya chuckled. “I know my brothers. And I know they’re only good guys to the people they care about. Which includes you.”

I studied the food, wondering if she could be right. “Since you’re here talking to me, I take it you don’t hate me?”

The question had slipped out before I thought about it. But I felt on edge, waiting for her to yell at me and tell me to never speak to anyone in her family ever again.

“You made a mistake. But that doesn’t mean you’re not still part of our family.”

The food stuck in my throat, and I dropped my fork on the tray. “Not sure if Gabriel agrees.”

“He’ll come around. Just give him a chance.” She pointed to the containers. “Now, I know I said not to worry about leaving food, but you’ve barely eaten anything.”

I forced down a few more bites before resting back against the bed. “Can I ask a favor?”

“Of course. Anything.”

“My friends helped me escape, but one of Aleksándr’s men found us before we could get away. Their names are Caspar and Marina Dimov. Do you think you could find out if they’re okay? Gabriel said they were in the house as well, but I’m worried they were hurt because of me.”

Freya nodded, then pulled her phone out. “Of course. I’ll ask Gunner to find them.” She typed out a message before putting her phone away again. “He can find anyone. Don’t worry. I’m sure they’re fine.”

I leaned forward, ignoring the pain in my back and stomach, and took her hand in mine. “I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m grateful for your friendship.”

“We’re sisters. And I know you’d do the same for me.”

“In a heartbeat.” It was a vow I’d never break.

Freya leaned in to hug me. “Now rest. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“I look forward to it.”

She left with a wink and a promise to bring food and news about my friends with her.

“Where does it hurt?” the nurse who’d come in as Freya was leaving asked, checking the monitors and drip.

“My stomach.”

“On a scale of one to ten, how bad is your pain?”

The question shouldn’t have been hard, but I hesitated with my answer. “Seven?”

“I can give you over-the-counter painkillers for now. You’ll have to wait a few hours before I can get you more of the good stuff.”

Since I’d take anything that would lessen the pain even a little, I nodded. “Thank you, that would be great.”

After she left, I fell into a restless sleep, waking up only to doze off again. I felt someone take my hand, and then a familiar pressure settled on my hip. I slept peacefully for the rest of the night.